

Titanfall Beta Questions and Answers

Titanfall Beta starts today, we provided answers on all burning questions about it. Check out how to apply for beta, what do you need to do before you start downloading.

50 DayZ tips video

50 DayZ tips video will help your character survive even longer in harsh world of Chernarus. 50 Most important things you must know about how to survive DayZ Alpha Standalone.

DayZ Mythbusters show that saves lives

DayZ Mythbusters is a Youtube show that will answer some burning questions about the game. The first episode proves that DayZ players need to watch this show if they want to save their characters.

GTA 5 Online declared war on cheaters

GTA 5 Online will be soon back online, but without exploited money and even some cheaters. Rockstar confirmed that removal of counterfeit money is one of the main reasons for the 24 hours maintenance.