
Another 10 GTA Online Verified Jobs Update
New verified jobs for GTA Online are published on Rockstar’s webpage. Check out what jobs got picked by Rockstar.

DayZ Standalone Patch 0.37 is coming
The newest Patch for DayZ Standalone will be released soon, introducing many improvements and fixes like better collision physics and improved combat mechanics.

Titanfall Preload on Origin has started
Titanfall preload is available now to all US Green Man Gaming customers who purchased this game before the official release date.

Watch Dogs release date confirmed for May 27
Release date for Watch Dogs, Ubisoft’s heavy hitter for this year, was published on PlayStation Network.

The Walking Dead Season 2 continues on March 4th
Season 2 of The Walking Dead will continue next week with the release of eagerly anticipated Episode 2.

ACV rumor mill is placing the game in France
ACV rumor that placed this game in feudal Japan was dismissed by Ubisoft Executive Jade Raymond, now many predict that the hero of the game might be from France or Russia.

Titanfall Pre-Load on Xbox One won’t be possible
Titanfall Pre-Load availability on Xbox One, rumor that was quickly spread throughout internet yesterday, was dismissed today by Microsoft.

AC4 Freedom Cry standalone arrives on PlayStation consoles
Freedom Cry, previously released as a DLC for AC4 Black Flag, is available as a standalone version starting today for PlayStation consoles.

Titanfall Beta Questions and Answers
Titanfall Beta starts today, we provided answers on all burning questions about it. Check out how to apply for beta, what do you need to do before you start downloading.

Second Assault and Naval Strike DLC for Battlefield 4 confirmed
DLC for Battlefield 4, Second Assault is coming in less than a week, also new Naval Strike DLC for BF4 was confirmed on the official site today.

50 DayZ tips video
50 DayZ tips video will help your character survive even longer in harsh world of Chernarus. 50 Most important things you must know about how to survive DayZ Alpha Standalone.

DayZ Mythbusters show that saves lives
DayZ Mythbusters is a Youtube show that will answer some burning questions about the game. The first episode proves that DayZ players need to watch this show if they want to save their characters.

South Park RPG got three new trailers
Earlier today, Ubisoft official YouTube channel was updated with three new trailers for the upcoming South Park RPG game: The Stick of Truth.

Battlefield 4 Second Assault DLC is coming out soon
Second Assault DLC for Battlefield 4, bringing maps from Battlefield 3, will be released soon, developer Dice confirmed.

Titanfall Beta confirmed for PC and Xbox One
Titanfall Beta for PC and Xbox One just got confirmed by Vince Zampala of Respawn Entertainment, and he also revealed that Bluepoint Games will be doing Xbox 360 port of the game.

GTA V PC surfaced on Amazon
GTA V PC rumors started flying again these days! This time GTA V PC was listed for pre-orders on French and German Amazon.

The Division has three new screenshots
New screenshots were released for Tom Clancy’s The Division, one of the most anticipated games. Screenshots are showing the power of incredible Snowdrop Engine.

GTA 5 Online declared war on cheaters
GTA 5 Online will be soon back online, but without exploited money and even some cheaters. Rockstar confirmed that removal of counterfeit money is one of the main reasons for the 24 hours maintenance.

GTA 5 Online will go down for 24 hours
GTA Online will be offline on January 15, 2014 due to maintenance, but Rockstar promises that servers will be back online in less than 24 hours.

Ubisoft announced Far Cry Compilation for $39.99
At the start of February Ubisoft will publish Far Cry Compilation containing three games from the FPS series at the price of $40.