
batman arkham knight time to go to war

Time To Go To War Trailer

Rocksteady have released another video of Batman: Arkham Knight. Time To Go To War, as the trailer is called, shows one of the side missions waiting for us in the series finale. It features Scarecrow, Poison Ivy and a bunch of henchmen. The video begins with Batman beating the info on Scarecrow’s safehouse from one…


The Witcher 3 Launch Cinematic

CD Projekt RED has released the launch cinematic for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt titled “A Night to Remember“, with the following explanation: Feast your…

TW3 A Night To Remember Teaser

CD Projekt Red have posted a teaser video on their Youtube channel, titled A Night To Remember. It announces that something is going to happen…

AC: Syndicate Revealed

During last night’s livestream event, Ubisoft have unveiled the next game in everyone’s favorite series. Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate will be set in Victorian London –…

List Of Reviews For TW3

The review embargo for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been lifted, and the opinions are starting to pour in. For your convenience, we’ve decided…

TW3 Review Embargo Lifts Today

The first reviews for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are going to be published later today. Lifting the embargo a full week before release is…

House Of Wolves Preview Video Released

Over on their official blog, Bungie have released a preview video for Destiny’s next expansion, House Of Wolves. It’s full of footage of new activities,…

assassin's creed reveal

New Assassin’s Creed Game Reveal

Ubisoft have published a video announcement for the video reveal of their next Assassin’s Creed video game. The video is short and to the point,…

Prison Of Elders Reveal Video

Yesterday, Bungie held a livestream tour event on the official Twitch channel. In it, they’ve shown The Prison Of Elders, the new Destiny end-game activity…