
quantum break

When will you get Quantum break codes for Windows 10

Quantum Break has officially launched on Xbox One. As you already know, players who pre-ordered the digital version of “Quantum Break” for Xbox One through the Xbox Store will receive the Windows 10 version of the game as well. This version will be downloadable through the Windows Store via redemption code. When will players receive…


Automatron DLC Screenshots

In a new post on their official blog, Bethesda have published a batch of screenshots from Automatron, the first piece of DLC for Fallout 4….

Automatron DLC Release Date

Bethesda has released a new trailer for Automatron, the first piece of DLC for Fallout 4. The video shows off robot customization, a few nuggets…

Playstation Plus Beta for Hitman

IO Interactive and Sony are partnering to bring us an open beta for Hitman. It will take place during the weekend (March 4th through 6th)…

Dark Souls 3 Starting Classes

Gamebug released a 30-minute gameplay video of the upcoming Dark Souls 3. The footage reveals all of the starting classes in the game with full…