
mafia 3 official soundtrack

Mafia 3 Official Soundtrack Revealed

2K Games have issued a press release boasting about the score and soundtrack for Mafia 3. The game will feature a huge official soundtrack, with over 100 songs. Most of them are great hits from the 60s, trying to represent the atmosphere of the American south and the turmoil of the era. Here is a…


FFXV Delayed into November

Final Fantasy XV is no longer coming in September – the open world JRPG’s release date has been pushed into November. According to Square Enix,…

Phantom Limb DLC Released

Warner Bros have just released a DLC pack for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens, called The Phantom Limb. The add-on is free, but only…

Rise of Iron Gjallarwing Preorder Bonus

Bungie have revealed another preorder bonus for Rise of Iron, Destiny’s upcoming expansion. It’s the Iron Gjallarwing, a uniquely styled sparrow racer that’s going to…

tinyBuild's clash with g2a continues

tinyBuild’s Clash with G2A Continues

Several days ago, tinyBuild accused G2A of fostering a grey market in which credit card thieves could launder their ill-gotten money. The feud continues as…

Mafia 3 Family Kick-Back Trailer

2K Games have released another trailer for Mafia 3, this time in order to show off the preorder bonus. It’s a weapon and vehicle pack…

recore e3 2016 trailer

ReCore E3 Trailer

Microsoft have published a new trailer for ReCore, the upcoming action puzzle game from Armature Studio. It shows off the different robots you can control…