
pokemon go logo spoofing

Pokemon GO Battles GPS Spoofers

Pokemon GO and Niantic, in the most recent update 0.43.4 for Android and 1.13.4 for iOS, seem to have targeted the botting community. One of the biggest problems in any game, cheaters, are very active in this application also, and they have been a menace to the Pokemon world ever since the game released. The…


Final Fantasy XV DLC

Final Fantasy XV DLC will be released after the game launch, according to Square Enix. The official release date is the 29th of November. We…

No Microtransactions on Xbox One

Gwent is a free-to-play game offering optional in-game purchases from the store during closed beta that is currently live. Players are able to purchase Card…

Gwent closed beta ending

Gwent is a card game designed and developed entirely by CD Projekt Red. It is currently in the closed beta stage. The beta’s end date…

Pokemon GO Daily Quests

Now that the Halloween event is live for the Pokemon GO game, we have some more good news for all the players that are trying…

Moogle Gameplay Video

Square Enix have released a new trailer for Final Fantasy XV. The new video explains how Moogle items work and shows them off in battle….

Dishonored 2 Live Action Trailer

Dishonored 2 Live Action Trailer was released recently by the Bethesda Softworks. Featuring Emily Kaldwin and Corvo Attano in a movie-like action trailer. We can…

nintendo switch console video reveal

Nintendo Switch Console Video Reveal

Nintendo has finally unveiled their new Switch console. Nintendo announced the development of a new console named NX in March 2015, and details have been…