
mass effect andromeda kett race

Mass Effect Andromeda New Race

Mass Effect Andromeda is the fresh new story from the known and loved universe from Bioware. The fans that saw the latest trailer maybe noticed that a new alien race was featured in it. Bioware announced that the aliens from Andromeda belong to the Kett race, that was created specifically for this story about the…


Nioh Preorders Available

Preorders for Nioh, the 17th century samurai action game, are now live on the Playstation store. There are two editions to choose from, with more…

Destiny T-shirts

Destiny is a MMOFPS that is a Sony PlayStation exclusive only. It has a big fanbase, so it is no wonder that the merchandise with…

elder scrolls online free weekend ps4

Elder Scrolls Online PS4 Free Weekend

Bethesda have just announced that Elder Scrolls Online will be free to play this weekend on Playstation 4. You’ll need a lot of space on…