
Prompto Episode Final Fantasy XV

FFXV Regalia Off-Road Driving, 60 FPS PS4 Pro

Final Fantasy XV has some neat updates in store for us in the upcoming months. Square Enix detailed their plans during an Active Time Report that was live streamed today. One of the unexpected features they’ve announced is driving the Regalia off-road, through the wild, with no limits. Episode Prompto expected sometime in June The…


super mario run easy mode

Super Mario Run Gets Easy Mode

This week’s Super Mario Run update brings some interesting new stuff, including an easy mode, a month-long event, additional language support, changes to Toad drop…

Nioh Reviews Roundup

Nioh is an upcoming action RPG from Team Ninja. Many compare it to Dark Souls – it’s core loop is clearing an area of enemies,…

Rainbow Six Siege Mira Operator Trailer

Rainbow Six Siege Mira Operator Trailer

Rainbow Six Siege released a short trailer featuring a new Operator called Mira. She represents Spain’s special operations forces, neutralizing organized crime and preventing terrorist…

NBA 2K17 – Update 1.09 Released

NBA 2K17 released 1.09 update for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. This update features various fixes and improvements to the game. It takes up around…