

Boost mode is now live in PS4 Pro firmware update 4.50

New firmware update is officially out for PS4 and PS4 Pro. Why is this important? Because it is bringing the power of Boost mode. The said mode, affectionately dubbed “Beast mode”, has been in the hands of beta testers for a month now. The essential advantage of the Boost mode lies in the fact that…


Outlast 2

Outlast sequel release date announced

Outlast dropped in unannounced back in 2013 and continued what Amnesia started a few years earlier. The horror was not only back, but it was…

quake champions

Quake Champions is starting a closed beta

It has been a while, more precisely, since 2007 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. Competitive arena shooting will once again arrive from the hands of…

For Honor new heroes leaked?

For Honor had its share of issues with the servers at the time of its launch, but things seem to be progressing. It is time…