
Got a Nintendo Switch? Why not cut a sizable portion out of it in the name of art?
Human minds work in mysterious ways. Sometimes they manage to create works of art that boggle the said mind. Sometimes, they destroy things for an unclear reason. And sometimes, they do both of those things at the same time. The destruction is a form of creation is another thing people say, and we can all…

Nintendo wants Switch to ship 2 million by the end of March
Nintendo Switch has proven to be quite a popular product. Unlike another popular Nintendo product, the NES Classic Edition, it seems to be have been…

System Shock 3 Coming to Consoles As Well As PC
Starbreeze, the Swedish publisher behind Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and Payday 2, has announced that they’ll be bringing System Shock 3 to both…

Mass Effect Andromeda Collector’s Edition does not feature the game itself
There are two things you can take for certain these days. The first one is that there will be some Mass Effect news. The second…

For Honor Players Banned for AFK Farming by Ubisoft
According to the Reddit community manager for Ubisoft, the company has decided to crack down on players that are using the AFK farming method to…

Final Fantasy XV might get the Episode Aranea DLC
Aranea Highwind, captain of 3rd Army Corps 86th airborne unit, is both a boss and a party member in Final Fantasy XV. Due to aerial…

Dead Rising 4 is Available on Steam Now
The latest installment in Capcom’s survival horror comedy franchise, Dead Rising 4, is now available on Steam. The game was previously an Xbox One &…

Zelda BotW All 900 Korok Seed Reward Discovered
The new Zelda game has no shortage of collectibles and things to do. One such item to collect are Korok seeds, and there’s 900 of…

Horizon Zero Dawn Update 1.04 Full Patch Notes & List of Bug Fixes
Sony’s newest exclusive, Horizon Zero Dawn, recently got a new patch. The update contains a lot of major and minor bug fixes and polishes, mostly…

Destiny’s game within a game: the hidden road to Atheon throne room
There is something utterly fascinating in finding ways to manipulate or advance in a game that not even its creators have thought of. The secret…

Mass Effect: Andromeda multiplayer gameplay revealed
After having talked about it for a while, Mass Effect team is giving us a direct overview of Andromeda’s multiplayer, or at least some parts…

Starbreeze signs System Shock 3 developer OtherSide Entertainment
The dream team behind System Shock 3 includes people who were writers and directors on numerous cult titles, including System Shock and System Shock 2,…

Zelda BOTW Behind the Scenes Video Series Released
Fans of Zelda: Breath of the Wild can now watch three making-of videos on Nintendo’s official YouTube channel. These behind-the-scenes videos discuss the game’s inception,…

Resident Evil Revelations Getting a PS4 & Xbox One Release
The critically acclaimed Resident Evil Revelations will soon be coming to the new generation of consoles. Pretty soon, PS4 and Xbox One owners will be…

Friday the 13th PAX East 2017 New “Killer” Trailer
The asymmetrical-multiplayer survival horror game by IllFonic and Gun Media recently showed off another trailer. The Friday the 13th PAX East trailer, titled “Killer”, will…

Mass Effect: Andromeda – spoiler warning, the Angara race is introduced
The closer we get to the release, the stronger is the dripfeed of information regarding the new Mass Effect. If you are trying to escape…

Ghost Recon: Wildlands has the biggest launch of the season – and a Dark Souls Easter egg
By having the greatest number of players in an open beta, the new Ghost Recon certainly paved its way to the biggest launch of this…

Playstation Now to offer PS4 games as well
Streaming has become an extremely popular way to approach gaming content in the last several years. Twitch is a household name now and many people…

Breath of the Wild Review can get you DDoSd
Just ask Jim Sterling. A week after its release, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has received almost nothing but praise. It became…

Dark Souls III final DLC gets a livestream on March 15
Demon/Dark Souls changed gaming forever. In a world where every move you should make was literally written down for you, and games like to hold…