
the surge

The Surge reviews round up

German developers Deck 13 were probably the ones closest to making an actual clone of Dark Souls series in their first game, Lords of the Fallen. While not exactly bad, it failed to fully grasp what it was that made Dark Souls great. Still, the German devs are back with more experience this time, with…


Steam Introduces Changes to Gift System Making It More Straightforward

Steam Summer Sale leaked dates

It’s that time of year again, Steam Summer Sale is nigh, and it should kick off on June 22, if the rumors are to be…

spyro the dragon

Potential Spyro remaster after Crash Bandicoot?

Remember Spyro? The cute dragon was once a full-fledged mascot of Playstation’s, almost rivaling Crash Bandicoot. As the years went by, the young fire-breather (and…