
Steam Summer Sale Start Date Leaked by PayPal
As has become customary, PayPal has revealed the starting date of the Steam Summer Sale on their Twitter. The festivities begin on June 22nd at 6 PM BST, aka 1 PM ET. Valve has since confirmed that the Steam Summer Sale will indeed kick off at that date. Prepare your wallets. Steam Summer Sale Start…

Black Mesa Gets Dynamic Lightning, Color Correction, But No Xen Yet
Black Mesa, the fancy, facelifted version of seminal FPS Half Life, will not be getting the Xen chapter until the end of the year. The…

Anthem Javelin Exosuit Gear Types & Upgrades Explained
Javelin exosuits are the most important piece of gear in Anthem. They dictate what your freelancer is capable of, their skills and abilities, as well…

Hitman Prologue for Free on all Platforms Comes with June Update
As of today, you can play the beginning of Hitman for free on all platforms. If you decide to play the game for free, and…

Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Free on Origin via On the House Program
If you’ve missed it last year, you can now get Medal of Honor Pacific Assault for free on Origin. This is a part of Origin’s…

Zelda Breath of the Wild Master Mode Will Have Separate Save Slots
The upcoming Hard Mode in Breath of the Wild will have its own save slots. Starting a Hard Mode (or Master Mode) run will allow…

Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto Story Trailer has some Heavy Spoilers
The Final Fantasy XV second character DLC, Episode Prompto, recently got an interesting story trailer, and it’s rife with spoilers. It is a story trailer,…

Assassin’s Creed Origins Map Size Revealed in E3 Demo
Assassin’s Creed Origins map size was just one of the many things E3 attendees discovered in the game’s demo. Ubisoft allowed players to do a…

Pokemon GO Fest Chicago Tickets Now Available for Purchase
Niantic is organizing several real-life events in celebration of the game’s first anniversary. One of these is the Pokemon GO Fest in Chicago, taking place…

Nintendo Switch System Update 3.0.0 Full Patch Notes
The Nintendo Switch got a new system update, version 3.0.0. The full patch notes reveal a bunch of new features and commands, as well as…

Friday the 13th Bringing Free DLC as Apology for Server Issues
Developers of the Friday the 13th game are preparing a free DLC package as an apology to players for the server issues and other problems….

Assassin’s Creed Origins Stargazing Puzzles Revealed
Stargazing puzzles are a kind of challenge in Assassin’s Creed Origins. They require you to find a constellation in the night sky using a pattern…

Pokemon GO Raid Battles & New Gym Features Revealed
Pokemon GO will soon get a huge and important new update. Niantic is introducing a bunch of new features into the game, all of them…

The Evil Within 2 Main Story Plot Details Recap and Trailer
The Evil Within 2 has a quite interesting story involving detective Sebastian Castellanos. He has more engaging motives now than in the previous title. Although…

Assassins Creed Origins Gladiator Arena Information & Showcase
With the new fight system that Assassin’s Creed Origins is going to have, where else would you have a better chance to test it out…

Atari Coming Back to Hardware Business with Ataribox
In an announcement that came completely out of left field, Atari has made it public that they’re coming back to the hardware business. They’re preparing…

Dungeons 3 Announced, Will Let You Roam The Surface
Kalypso and Realmforge Studios have announced Dungeons 3, following up the announcement with a gameplay trailer. This is the latest entry in their dungeon building…

Diablo 3 Getting Challenge Rifts in Update 2.6.0
As of update 2.6.0, Diablo 3 will start offering a new kind of rotating weekly challenge. They’re going to be called Challenge Rifts, and they’ll…

Pokemon GO Gyms Closed for Upcoming Feature Update
Niantic is slowly laying the groundwork for the upcoming big Pokemon GO update. One of the things they’ll be changing around is how Gyms will…

Code Vein Gameplay Trailer Shows Off Basic Attacks
There’s a new gameplay trailer for Code Vein, Bandai Namco’s upcoming action RPG. It shows off basic weapon attacks and some enemy behavior, as well…