
Orcs Must Die Unchained for Free on PS4 Starting July 18
Orcs Must Die Unchained, the action strategy game from Robot Entertainment, is coming to PlayStation 4 on July 18th. The game is completely free for all users. PlayStation Plus players who install the game by August 17th will get a twenty-dollar exclusive package. The game will have a platinum trophy. After several months since its…

Zelda BOTW Master Trials DLC File Size Smaller on Switch than Wii-U
The first DLC pack for Zelda Breath of the Wild, called Master Trials, is coming out on June 30th, for both the Wii-U and Nintendo…

The Swords of Ditto Extended Gameplay Shows The Beautiful World
The Swords of Ditto, the beautiful work of onebitbeyond, got an extended gameplay trailer. The thirteen-minute video shows the events from the start of the…

Rocket League Coming to Summer X Games, Getting Rick & Morty DLC
There’s a lot of exciting news on the Rocket League front this summer. For one, the game will be giving players Rick and Morty-themed DLC…

Zelda BoTW Trial of The Sword Explained in Gameplay Video
Trial of The Sword is a new challenge in Zelda Breath of The Wild. It’s going to be added in the upcoming Master Trials DLC,…

Heroes of the Storm Balance Changes 2.26.1 for June 2017
Heroes of the Storm 2.26.1 balance changes are live, just at the start of the summer event. Lots of heroes got the well-deserved nerfs, due…

Xbox Game Pass July 2017 Games include Resident Evil 6 & Dead Island
Microsoft has announced seven new games which they’ll be adding to their Xbox Game Pass service in July 2017. The list of games includes big…

Unreal Tournament Update Adds Voice Chat, Performance Improvements
A new update for Unreal Tournament has been released. This month’s patch changes some significant stuff, adds new features and improves performance on low-end hardware….

PS Plus Free Games for July 2017 Include Until Dawn & Game of Thrones
The list of free games PS Plus subscribers will get in July 2017 has been revealed. As usual, there’s six games total on offer across…

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Update Version 1.2 Full Patch Notes
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe got another patch, updating the game to version 1.2. The update caries various balance and gameplay tweaks, as well as some…

Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Brings AC Series to Mobile, Again
Ubisoft has announced Assassin’s Creed Rebellion, an upcoming mobile AC game in which you build and manage a fortress, send members of the brotherhood on…

Heroes of the Storm New Pull Party Brawl Starting June 30
Heroes of the Storm has a new brawl called Pull Party, coming on June 30th. It will last for one week, up to July 6th….

Zelda BoTW Master Trials DLC Outfits Described In Detail
Members of the Zelda BoTW dev team have been describing the new outfits from the upcoming DLC on the game’s blog over the last few…

HOTS Summer 2017 Event Rewards Players With Huge Prizes
Summer in Heroes of the Storm will be hot, with more than 100 000 prizes for the players. The event, called “Sun’s Out, Guns Out”…

Ghost Recon Wildlands Title Update 5 Full Patch Notes
Ubisoft has released a new patch for Ghost Recon: Wildlands. The update, called Title Update 5, brings a wide range of various bug fixes. These…

Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Backer Update Dissects E3 Video
A new backer update video for Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire has been released. It’s a ten minute long video, in which executive producer Adam…

Rocket League Developers Still Talking to Sony about PS4 Cross-Play
Psyonix, the developers behind the hot car-football game Rocket League, still hasn’t stopped trying to talk to Sony about allowing cross-platform multiplayer. PS 4 players…

Diablo 3 Update 2.6 Patch Notes Show Off New Features
Diablo 3 patch 2.6.0 is now live on all platforms and in all regions. The main features the update brings are the challenge rifts (a…

Beyond Good & Evil 2 Developers Talk About Ship Crew in New Trailer
Ubisoft released a new trailer for Beyond Good & Evil 2. In the video, Story Content Director Gabrielle Shrager and Associate Creative Director Emile Morel…

Titanfall 2 War Games DLC Launches, Gets Trailer
War Games, the latest piece of DLC for Titanfall 2, has been released. It’s a free add-on that includes new maps, a new game mode,…