
PUBG Week 16 Update Stops Shooting from Underwater Vehicle
PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has a new update that will hit the live servers on Thursday, July 13th, if everything goes as planned on PTR. These updates are now live on the public test server for players to try them out and report any bugs. You’ll have to wait a day or more for them to launch…

Mafia 3 Sign of the Times DLC Launching in Late July
The third and final DLC chapter for Mafia 3, called Sign of the Times, will launch on July 25th. While still firmly rooted in the…

ARMS Update Version 2.0 Released, Full Patch Notes
Nintendo has released a new update for ARMS, bringing the game up to Version 2.0. The major addition that the patch introduces is that Commissioner…

XCOM 2 War of The Chosen Warlock Trailer Released
A new trailer for War of the Chosen, XCOM 2’s upcoming expansion, has been released. It’s another Chosen-focused video, this time showcasing the Warlock. He’s…

Heroes of the Storm New Hero and Balance Changes in 2.26.3 Update
Heroes of the Storm patch 2.26.3 is now live, bringing new hero Stukov, balance changes, tweaks and bug fixes. After more than a week of…

Destiny 2 Developers Hoping Players Complain About “Too Much Story”
Bungie is doubling down on story in Destiny 2. They’ve listened to what the fans have been saying about the original, and they’re adamant about…

Humble Capcom Rising Bundle Offers Games & Discount Coupons
The new Humble Bundle, called Capcom Rising, offers the chance to grab several major Capcom titles, some not-so-major, and even a couple of discount coupons…

WWE 2K18 Launching on Nintendo Switch in October
Nintendo Switch owners can look forward to another 2K sports game this fall. WWE 2K18 will be coming to the hybrid console on October 17th,…

Get to Know Wild West Online With the First Gameplay Video
Wild West Online got its first official gameplay video, showing us some of the game’s content. In this six-minute official showcase, you’ll get to see…

Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide Gets Free DLC, Balance Tweaks
Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide has been updated with a piece of free DLC. The add-on is called Arrogance Lost, and the developers aren’t telling…

Antihero Released, Launch Trailer Shows Victorian Gang Tactics
Antihero, the turn based strategy game set in a Dickensian city, has been released. It will allow you to hire urchins, pilfer donation boxes in…

Destiny 2 Endless Vale New Crucible Map Available During Open Beta
Endless Vale is the new Crucible map in Destiny 2. It will be available to play during the beta, along with a lot of other…

Over 40.000 Steam Accounts Banned By Valve Anti-Cheat System
Valve doled out more than 40.000 bans on Steam, via Valve Anti-Cheat. The ban wave happened on July 6th, one day after the Steam Summer…

Counter-Strike 1.6 Patch Update Notes July 2017
The new Counter-Strike 1.6 update brings a lot of fixes, according to the patch notes. This update comes almost four years after the previous one….

Chroma Squad Director’s Cut Adds New Game Plus, Fixes Balance Issues
Chroma Squad just got a Director’s Cut update, adding new game plus, new game plus plus, faster Mecha battles, controller support and another difficulty setting….

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Update Live, Full Patch Notes Released
Activision has released a new patch for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. Aside from general stability improvements, the patch brings a lot of new…

Hearthstone Update Paves the Way For Knights of the Frozen Throne
The latest update for Hearthstone, released yesterday, is preparing the world for the release of Knights of The Frozen Throne. Even though the expansion isn’t…

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Multiplayer Beta Announced, Coming in October
EA have announced that Star Wars Battlefront 2 will have a multiplayer beta. It’s coming this October, and it’s going to be open for all…

Xbox Live Weekly Deals Revealed, Include Mass Effect Andromeda
This week’s Xbox Live deals have been revealed. As usual, there’s a ton of different games and add-ons. As far as games go, Xbox One…

Half-Life Minor Update Released by Valve, Full Patch Notes
Valve has released a new update for Half-Life. Yes, really. The update is pretty small; it just addresses several glitches and crashes that the community…