
Huge Sale in the US and European PlayStation Stores: Injustice 2, GTA 5 and Final Fantasy Titles Deeply Discounted
If you want to get some cheap games for your PlayStation and you live in Europe, you’re definitely in luck. The European PlayStation Store is featuring a pretty big sale at the moment. Final Fantasy XII has been remastered for PS4 and is on sale as we speak. The sale mostly consists of Square Enix…

Nintendo says NES mini will make a comeback next year
Nintendo has launched the very successful Switch this year. It has so far achieved success probably beyond Nintendo’s expectations and we are seeing many new…

The Evil Within 2 gameplay trailer reveals the race against time
Troubles really won’t leave Sebastian Castellanos, the protagonist of The Evil Within, alone. After the Beacon Mental Hospital, a terrifying experience that caused him to…

NBA 2K18 Handshakes Live Action Trailer Released
Handshakes is the new live-action trailer for NBA 2K18. It stars a young boy on his way to the playground to shoot some hoops. He…

Destiny 2 Servers Will Be Down on Tuesday, September 12th
Destiny 2 is about to have its first scheduled downtime period, due to maintenance. The servers are going to be down for four hours, but…

Destiny 2 Fireteam Medallion Item Increases Exotic Drop Chance
The Destiny 2 Fireteam Medallion Item can help your chances of getting Exotic drops and Legendary Engrams. Better yet, it works for the entire fireteam…

Destiny 2 Luminous Engrams Auto-Decrypt at Weekly Reset
Luminous Engrams are rewards you get in Destiny 2, through completing milestones. You can only get so many of them a week, because they usually…

Destiny 2 Weekly Reset September 12th 2017 – New Nightfall & More
The first Destiny 2 weekly reset has hit today. As you’d expect if you’re a Destiny veteran, it brings a new Nightfall Strike, Flashpoint, milestones,…

Destiny 2 Raid Power Level 260-280, Says Luke Smith
The recommended Power Level for participating in the Destiny 2 Leviathan Raid has been revealed. After a long time of side-stepping the question, Bungie’s Luke…

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds New Patch Information
Everybody has heard about PlayerUnknown’s Battlegounds by now, the game is the current Early Access darling and has been garnering quite a lot of good…

Thus Spoke Batman: WB has no intention to continue the Arkham Series
Kevin Conroy had some rather disappointing news about the future of Warner Bros’ Arkham series. In a recent Wizard World Nashville Q&A, he stated that…

Destiny 2 Best Exotic Weapons We’ve Seen So Far
Exotic weapons in Destiny 2 are the most rare and… well, exotic items you’ll have the chance to try out. They aren’t inherently stronger than…

Destiny 2 Mida Multi-Tool, Rat King, Sturm Exotic Weapons
Mida Multi-Tool, Rat King, and Sturm are Exotic weapons in Destiny 2. What sets them apart from most other exotics is that you get them…

Destiny 2 Can’t Get & Modify Clan Banner & Progression Problems
Destiny 2 Clans are finally taking off, with Bungie pushing the button to implement clan progression and banners. Most players are now able to converge…

Destiny 2 Cabbage Error Still Troubling Many Players
While most Destiny 2 players are having fun doing missions, switching gear and slowly preparing for the upcoming raid, a large number of people can’t…

Destiny 2 Lost Sectors Locations – EDZ, Titan, Io, & Nessus
Destiny 2 Lost Sectors locations can be found all across EDZ, Nessus, Titan, and Io. In order to complete them, you have to kill varying…

Destiny 2 On the Comms Triggers World-Eater Mystery
On the Comms is a quest item in Destiny 2. It’s a random drop that ends up in your weapon inventory, and leads into a…

Destiny 2 Tower Secrets – Giant Ball, Secret Room, Lava Buff, Soccer Field
Destiny 2’s final hub, the rebuilt and renewed Tower, seems to be filled to the brim with secrets. There’s lots to find if you’re into…

Destiny 2 Giant Ball Easter Egg Discovered at The Tower
If you’ve explored the Tower in Destiny 2, you might have noticed our old pal, the purple ball. What you probably haven’t noticed is that…

Destiny 2 Well Rested Buff Mystery
The Well Rested buff in Destiny 2 has begun popping up for some players. No-one has any idea on why it appears, or why it’s…