
zelda botw rex costume promotion

Zelda BoTW Rex Costume Is a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Promo Item

Owners of Zelda Breath of The Wild will be getting a new outfit as part of a Xenoblace Chronicles 2 cross promotion. It’s called Rex’s Costume, and as the name implies, it’s similar to what the protagonist of XC2 wears. It will give Link a slight steampunk vibe, and it’s a nice fit for the…


Nioh: Complete Edition Hits Steam

As promised, Valve’s digital delivery service, Steam, now has Nioh: Complete Edition available for purchase. If you’ve ever treated yourself to a hours, nay, days,…

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Unveiled

Fresh from Blizzard’s annual BlizzCon festivities last Friday, the studio has announced a whole bunch of new titles. Of course, being Blizzard they are expanding…