
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Starfighter Flying Tips
Starfighter battles and dogfights in space are one of the integral parts of Star Wars Battlefront 2. While these sections are admittedly fun, there are a few kinks in there. Among other things, the controls might take some getting used to and adjustments, and getting to know the behavior of the different ships. Star Wars…

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Where to Enter Cheat Codes
The new Lego game, Marvel Super Heroes 2, is now out. There’s tons of stuff to explore and unlock. On top of that, like with…

How to Start FFXV Comrades Multiplayer Expansion
Final Fantasy XV Comrades, the multiplayer expansion, is finally out! The Comrades expansion in FFXV can be played solo in both offline and online mode,…

Pokemon GO New Avatar Items Tie-In with Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon
New avatar items have arrived to Pokemon GO. If they seem inappropriately summery for the season, there’s a reason for that. The new customization items…

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Character Unlock Costs Slashed 75%
EA and DICE have buckled under the pressure coming from fans that have played the Star Wars Battlefront 2 trial. They’ve decided to reduce the…

Dead Cells Joins GOG’s Games in Development, Gets Huge Update
There’s a new game in the Games in Development library. The game in question is the RougeVania from Motion Twin, called Dead Cells. The…

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Error codes, Crashes, Black Screen, Lag
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is officially launched. Many players are enjoying new maps, but some are stuck because of various technical issues and features not…

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Achievements / Trophies List Unveiled
The list of achievements in Star Wars Battlefront 2 has been revealed. There’s a total of forty trophies in Battlefront 2, including seventeen secret ones….

Tekken 7 Getting Noctis from Final Fantasy XV as DLC Character
The protagonist of Final Fantasy XV, Noctis Lucis Caelum, is coming to Tekken 7. He got a reveal trailer, showing off how his signature moves,…

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Character Unlocks Causing Uproar
Players are up in arms about the hero unlocks in Star Wars Battlefront 2. Specifically, how long it takes to unlock a single hero through…

Assassin’s Creed Origins Legendary Store Location
After you’ve completed the main quests in AC Origins, the game will give you access to a new store. In this store, you can get…

South Park Phone Destroyer Launches, Warns about Microtransactions
The new South Park game, Phone Destroyer, is now out for iOS and Android. Since it’s a free-to-play game, it has its fair share of…

Destiny 2 Weekly Reset Times Changing Next Month
Bungie has decided to change the weekly reset times in Destiny 2, starting next month. After December 5th, the reset will no longer happen at…

Destiny 2 Getting PS4 Pro & Xbox One X Patches, Double XP Weekend
Destiny 2 will get a patch to update the game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One X. The update will come out on December…

PS Plus Free Games List for November 2017 Revealed
Sony has revealed the list of PS Plus free games for November 2017. The list includes Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, Worms Battlegrounds, Broken Sword…

For Honor Holding Free Weekend Before Season 4 Launch
Season 4 of For Honor is launching next week. In order to celebrate, and, presumably, to hook in new players, you’ll be able to play…

Harry Potter Wizards Unite AR Game Announced By Niantic
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, a new augmented reality game, has been announced by Niantic. In the game, you’ll be walking through the real world, much…

Rocket League on Nintendo Switch Gets Launch Trailer
The launch of Rocket League on the Nintendo Switch is drawing near. To fan the hype flames, Psyonix posted a launch trailer for the port…

AC Origins Trials of the Gods Anubis Missing Quest Item is a Bug
There’s a bug in the Trials of the Gods Anubis battle, which causes a blank slot to appear in the player’s inventory. It’s marked as…

AC Origins Trials Of The Gods Anubis Battle Now Available
Trials of the Gods have arrived to Assassin’s Creed Origins. The first battle, as was announced before, is against Anubis. He’ll appear through a glitch…