
Fortnite BR Hungry Gnomes Locations – Week 8 Challenge
Search Hungry Gnomes is one of this week’s battlepass challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale. If you want those stars, you’ll have to find and interact with seven gnomes across the map. Knowing the developers, these collectibles will be very well hidden, so it’s probably going to take a while. If you get stuck while trying…

Fortnite BR Salty Springs Chest Locations – Week 8 Challenge
Search chests in Salty Springs is one of the new challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale. If you want to compelete this week 8 challenge, you’ll…

Pokemon GO Squirtle Community Day Happening on July 8th
The next community day in Pokemon GO has been announced. It will take place two weeks from now, on July 8th, and it will revolve…

Search Between Bear, Crater & Refrigerator Shipment – Fortnite BR
Search Between Bear, Crater & Refrigerator Shipment is one of the week 8 challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale’s season 4. If you want to complete…

PlayStation Hits Will Offer Popular PS4 Hits at Budget Prices
Sony is doubling down on the PlayStation 4 in its last years. They’re starting a whole new thing, called PlayStation Hits. Basically, they’ll be offering…

Pokemon GO How to Add Friends & Increase Friendship Level
Adding Friends and increasing Friendship levels in Pokemon GO is a new mechanic in the game. Adding friends and boosting the level of Friendship with…

Lego Incredibles Screenslaver Denied – Brainwashing Screen Locations
Screenslaver Denied is one of the hidden challenges in Lego Incredibles. If you want to complete it, you’ll have to find and destroy ten pieces…

Fallout 76 Beta Will Be Timed Exclusive on Xbox One
Bethesda is going to launch a beta for Fallout 76 for those of you that pre-order the game. The beta is going to be an…

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Will Focus on Multiplayer, Disregard Single Player
As most of you probably know if you’ve been paying attention, Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is going to completely get rid of the…

Spyro Reignited Trilogy E3 Gameplay Demo Shows a Refreshed Game
The developers of the Spyro Reignited Trilogy remaster have presented a ten-minute gameplay video at E3 2018. This is a visual and audio rework of…

Lego Incredibles Super Supporter Challenge – Poster Locations
Super Supporter is one of the challenges in Lego Incredibles. In order to complete it, you’ll have to find ten anti superhero posters across Municiberg…

Lego Incredibles Challenges – How to Complete Tasks
Challenges are optional tasks you can undertake in Lego Incredibles. There are twenty of them, and each of the first ten is tied to a…

Destiny 2 Forsaken E3 2018 Trailer Brought On The Tragedy
The Forsaken expansion for Destiny 2 is upping the ante. During E3 2018, Bungie released a trailer, and it only shows the brutal execution of…

Cyberpunk 2077 Will Have Full Nudity For Transhumanist Themes
As many of you have probably guessed, Cyberpunk 2077 is going to feature nudity. No surprise there, but this time around, it will serve more…

Lego Incredibles Red Brick Locations – Where to find Cheats
Red bricks are special collectibles in Lego Incredibles. Finding them will allow you to unlock special cheats, which increase the number of studs you’ll get,…

Cyberpunk 2077 Weapons & Combat Explained by Developer
Weapons and combat in Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be a pretty important part of the game. The game will definitely be an RPG first…

Lego Incredibles Cheat Codes – How to Unlock Characters
Lego Incredibles cheats are special codes that allow you to unlock secret characters. There are sadly only two of them in the game, but there’s…

Cyberpunk 2077 Romance Options Will Be More Diverse Than in Witcher
Cyberpunk 2077 is going to offer a lot of romance options. You can expect to see much more freedom of choice than in the Witcher…

Cyberpunk 2077 Targeting Current-Gen Consoles, According to Developer
According to CD Projekt Red’s Patrick Mills, Cyberpunk 2077 is aiming to come out on current-gen consoles. The game does seem to be very demanding,…

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy “Future Tense” Level Coming This Month
Future Tense is a brand-new level coming to Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. It’s coming out on June 29th, the same date when the remastered…