
AC: Odyssey Mercenaries Will Be a Mix of Phylakes and GTA Police
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will let you act however you like. You won’t have to be a protector of the people any more – since Alexios and Kassandra are both mercenaries, you’ll have the freedom to be a criminal if you want to. Acting like a complete bastard will have consequences, though. When you step over…

Fallout 76 Steam Version Not Happening, PC Only Via Bethesda Launcher
Morsels of info regarding Fallout 76 have been handed out during the weekend’s QuakeCon panels. We learned about how the perk cards will work, we…

Fallout 76 Perks Will Come In The Form of Perk Cards
QuakeCon took place this weekend, and Bethesda used it to show off a bunch of stuff their studios are working on. Of course, Fallout 76…

Red Dead Redemption 2 First Gameplay Trailer – Analysis and Screenshots
Rockstar Games released their first, six minute long, gameplay trailer from the much anticipated Red Dead Redemption 2. While we did get to see the…

Fortnite Follow the Treasure Map Found in Snobby Shores Challenge Location
Follow the treasure map found in Snobby Shores is a week five, season five, Fortnite Battle Royale challenge. Although this is considered to be a…

Fortnite Hit a golf ball from tee to green on different holes Location
Hit a golf ball from tee to green on different holes is a new weekly challenge in Fortnite Battle Royale. This is the second challenge…

Fortnite Search between Gas Station, Soccer Pitch, Stunt Mountain Location
Search between a gas station, soccer pitch, and Stunt Mountain is one of the week four challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale season five. Just like…

Fortnite Jump Through Flaming Hoops With a Shopping Cart or ATK Locations
Fortnite challenge jump through flaming hoops requires you to find their locations, but also a shopping cart or ATK and drive them over ramps and…

No Man’s Sky Next How to Make Money Fast
Making money is a pretty important aspect in No Man’s Sky Next. The necessity for money depends on how you decide to play No Man’s…

No Man’s Sky Next How to Unlock New Base Upgrades
New base upgrades are an important part of No Man’s Sky Next. Unlocking new base parts and building them makes your life much easier. There…

Freighters – how to get, change, warpdrive no fuel bug
With the latest No Man’s Sky NEXT update, players can get their own freighters that can be described as a mobile base. Freighters offer extra…

Kingdom Hearts 3 to Have Over 80 Hours of Content
It seems that Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to be a very massive game, at least as far as the pure amount of content goes….

Cyberpunk 2077 Will Be Inherently Political, According to Quest Designer
According to quest designer at CD Projekt Red, Patrick Mills, Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be a very political game, examining social issues and political…

Vampyr Getting New Difficulty Modes Later This Summer
Two new difficulty modes are coming to Vampyr this summer. The two new modes are going to be Story Mode (aka easier-than-easy-mode), and Hard Mode,…

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Doubles Down on Choice & Consequence
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is going to put an even stronger emphasis on choices and their consequences. It will have a lot of different dialogue options,…

Forza Motorsport 7 Removing Loot Boxes in Future Update
The developers of Forza Motorsport 7 have announced that they’ll be removing loot boxes, aka prize crates, from the game. This will take a long…

EA Origin Access Premier Subscription Service Starts Next Week
Origin Access Premier is going to be a new, higher tier of subscription to EA’s service. It’s going to cost significantly more than the current,…

Destiny 2 Forsaken New Weapons & Armor Shown in Trailer
Bungie has released a new video for Destiny 2 Forsaken, showing off some of the new weapons and armor that you’ll be able to earn…

Fortnite BR Hotfix Nerfs Compact SMG After Player Outcry
Epic Games have released a new hotfix for Fortnite Battle Royale, which nerfs the Compact and regular SMG quite a bit. This is in response…

Fortnite BR Clay Pigeons Locations – Weekly Challenge
Shoot clay pigeons at different locations is one of the challenges in week 3 of Fortnite Battle Royale season 5. The developers have added a…