
Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Revive Your Horse – Horse Reviver Locations
How to revive your horse in RDR 2 is a pretty important question to answer. Red Dead Redemption Horse Revivers are an essential consumable, because your horse is a huge part of the gameplay. Considering that bonding with your horse is fairly integral to the game, you truly don’t want your horse to die. This…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheat Codes – How to use cheats
Cheat codes are phrases that unlock special buffs in Red Dead Redemption 2. In order to use them, you’ll need to type the phrase in…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Chick’s Treasure Map Solution Location
Chick’s treasure map in RDR2 is one of many different treasure maps in the game. The Red Dead Redemption 2 Chick’s treasure map solution is…

Fallout 76 How to play with friends
Fallout 76 Beta has started a few minutes ago for Xbox One players. The first Beta session will be available only from 7PM ET until…

Fallout 76 Account lacks the required entitlements – Login Failed
As you already know Fallout 76 Beta will launch in a few hours for XBox One owners. Although players thought that the only requirement for…

Thronebreaker The Witcher Tales Released on PC with Launch Trailer
The new game from CD Projekt Red set in the Witcher universe, Thronebreaker, is now out on PC. CDPR has also released a launch trailer…

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey PUBG Easter Egg – Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner
There’s a PUBG Easter egg in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. I know, it’s unheard of – developers of one hugely popular video game have played another…

Athenian Marksman Locations – Fear of Arrows Quest – Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Athenian marksman is a type of enemy in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. They’re basically souped-up archers. Nothing remarkable about them, really, except the fact they show…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Launch Trailer Released Ahead of Launch
Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar’s open world wild west shooty game is going to be released on October 26th. Despite that, the developers have already…

Destiny 2 Where is Xur Location & What He’s Selling October 19th
Where is Xur and what exotic weapons & armor is he selling, the two questions every Destiny 2 Guardian scrambles to solve every weekend. Searching…

Dance on Top of Clock Tower, Pink Tree, Porcelain Throne – Fortnite BR
Dance on top of a Clock Tower, Pink Tree, Porcelain Throne is one of the weekly challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale. It comes in several…

Corrupted Eggs Locations – Ouroborea Ascendant Plane – Destiny 2
Corrupted Eggs in Destiny 2 Ouroborea Ascendant Plane are a valuable source of exotic gear. You can find the Ouroborea Ascendant Plane corrupted eggs hidden…

Shooting Gallery Locations – Fortnite BR Weekly Challenge
Shoot 3 targets at different shooting galleries is one of the weekly challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale. In order to complete this week 4 battle…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Comes on Two Blu-Ray Discs, Leak Reveals
The cover of the Japanese PlayStation 4 version of Red Dead Redemption 2 has leaked on Reddit. If the leak is to be believed, the…

Wanted Bounty Lost Sector Boss Loot Drops – Destiny 2
Wanted Bounty bosses are special enemies in Destiny 2. You can start these bounties by talking to Spider, the vendor at the Tangled Shore. Some…

Secret Haunted Forest Seventh Branch Emblem – How to Get – Destiny 2
The Haunted Forest in the Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost event has some Triumphs and Emblems attached to it. Among the Haunted Forest emblems…

Wish-Ender Exotic Bow – Dreaming Token of Eriviks, Querim, Xavoth – Destiny 2
Wish-Ender exotic bow is one of the rarest weapons in Destiny 2. It’s a bow that grants you Truesight and has piercing arrows that do…

Pain and Guilt Crucible Quest Tips & Tricks – How to Beat – Destiny 2
Pain and Guilt is a Crucible quest in Destiny 2. It is a part of the quest chain from Shaxx that gives you the Luna’s…

Luna’s Howl – How to Unlock Legendary Hand Cannon – Destiny 2
Luna’s Howl Legendary Hand Cannon is an exotic weapon in Destiny 2. The Destiny 2 Luna’s Howl hand cannon is an interesting weapon, especially in…

Lego DC Super-Villains Cheat Codes – Character Unlock Codes
Great news for all LEGO video games fans – during December 2021, PlayStation is offering LEGO DC Super-Villains for PS Plus subscribers. Since the game…