
Red Dead Redemption 2 War Horse Pre-Order Bonus
The Warhorse pre-order bonus in RDR2 is one of several bonuses in Red Dead Redemption 2 you can get for pre-ordering. However, you can’t get the RDR 2 War Horse pre-order bonus mount immediately after starting the game. In fact, you’ll have to wait until Chapter 2, and go to a specific location to pick…

RDR 2 Horse Brush – Clean Dirty Horse
How to clean your horse in RDR 2 is a very important question. You’ll get a message that your horse is dirty in Red Dead…

Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Change Outfits & Clothes
Clothes maketh the cowboy, at least in Red Dead Redemption 2. They allow you to customize your character, making Arthur look just the way you…

Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Get Your Hat Back
Your hat in Red Dead Redemption 2 is not just part of your outfit – it’s part of who you are. Yes, it’s that important….

Red Dead Redemption 2 Hair & Beard Styles – How to Cut & Shave
Hair & beard styles in RDR 2 are not a major part of the gameplay. However, cutting hair and shaving your beard in Red Dead…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Split Up or Leave Bait – Bear Hunting
Split up or leave bait while bear hunting is a choice in RDR 2 Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego quest. As you progress through…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Kill or Help Blackwater Man
Kill or spare Blackwater man is one of the moral choices in Red Dead Redemption 2. It will be presented to you in chapter 2,…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Fishing Pole – Where to Find & How to Get
A fishing pole in RDR 2 is one of the tools you can get in the game. Needless to say, you need a fishing rod…

Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Preorder & Ultimate Edition Bonus Items
Preorder & ultimate edition bonus items are extra stuff people received when buying Red Dead Redemption 2 PC before release. Some of them are available…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Homestead Stash Locations – Breaking & Entering Trophy
Homestead stashes in RDR 2 are places that you can rob. Finding enough RDR 2 Homestead Stashes earns you the Breaking & Entering achievement. The…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Shacks Locations Map
Shacks are special buildings in Red Dead Redemption 2. There’s only a handful of them, and they look nothing out of the ordinary from the…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Serial Killer Map & Clue Locations
Serial killer map fragments and clues in RDR 2 are a side quest you can find in the game. The Red Dead Redemption 2 serial…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Rock Carving Locations – Geology For Beginners
Rock carvings are a kind of collectible in Red Dead Redemption 2. They’re reliefs carved into rocks all over the map. There are various images,…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Dinosaur Bones Locations – Where to Find Paleontologist
Dinosaur Bones in RDR 2 are one of the many collectibles in the game. The bones can be found strewn across the map in Red…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Kill or Spare Train Guards – Leviticus Cornwall Robbery
Kill or spare Leviticus Cornwall traing guards is one of the early choices in Red Dead Redemption 2. During the first chapter, you’ll have to…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Dreamcatcher Locations
Dreamcatchers are a kind of collectible in Red Dead Redemption 2. They’re Native American artefacts, consisting of a wooden hoop with a web of strings…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Kill or Spare O’Driscoll in Barn
Kill or spare O’Driscoll in barn is the first moral dilemma you’ll face in Red Dead Redemption 2. It will happen during chapter one, where…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Weapon Repair, Cleaning & Gun Oil
Weapon repairs are a big part of Red Dead Redemption 2. In order for them to function properly, you’ll need to clean your weapons and…

Red Dead Redemption 2 Free Gun – How to Get Weapon Early in Game
Getting a weapon free in RDR 2 is the result of finding and saving an NPC. To get the free weapon early in Red Dead…

Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Make Money – Bounties, Treasure Maps, Poker
Making money in Red Dead Redemption 2 is likely going to be one of the more important gameplay aspects. You’ll need to earn money in…