
Fallout 76 Customer Support Tickets Leaked on Bethesda’s Website
Have you sent in a ticket on Bethesda’s Customer Support website? If you’ve been playing Fallout 76, especially if you purchased the fabled Power Armor edition, you probably have. And, rightfully so. Well, you’ll be happy to know that the website has possibly leaked some of your sensitive information, including addresses and emails. Wait, what?…

Order of the Ancients – Hunters Cultist Branch Locations
Order of Hunters, or Order of the Ancients, is a cultist branch in AC Odyssey DLC, Legacy of the First Blade. They are a new…

Universal Hero Emblem Appearing Randomly in Collections
Universal Hero emblem is an new cosmetic item in Destiny 2. It started appearing randomly in people collections during the day, and most of them…

Destiny 2 Powerful Auto Rifle Frame Quest – Black Armory Balistic Log
One of the new Black Armory weapons in Destiny 2 is the auto rifle you can get from Ada-1. When you talk to her, you’ll…

Destiny 2 Gravetide Summoner – Spider Weekly Wanted Bounty
Gravetide Summoner is one of the wanted bounties in Destiny 2. It’s a weekly bounty you can get from Spider, the vendor at the Tangled…

Gwent & Thronebreaker Launch on PlayStation 4 & Xbox One
CD Projekt Red have announced that Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, and Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, have now officially launched on consoles. Well, not all…

Destiny 2 Volundr Forge Location – Hammerhead Machine Gun
Volundr Forge is an activity in Destiny 2. It’s the first forge from the Black Armory update, and a lot of players are wondering where…

Battlefield V Chapter One Overture Update Delayed
Dice have announced that they’re postponing the Chapter 1: Overture Battlefield V update. The reason for the delay is that the developers have discovered some…

Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition Canvas Bags in Production
Bethesda has finally decided to fulfill their end of the bargain with the Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition. They’ve started on the production of canvas…

How to Dodge
Dodging in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a bit tricky. Everyone knows it’s there – we’ve all seen it in various footage – but not…

Fallout 76 Upcoming Update Patch Notes Released
Bethesda has revealed the full patch notes for Fallout 76 Update The launch date of the patch is December 4th. According to Bethesda, the…

Free Infinite Horse Reviver Glitch
Horse reviver is an item in Red Dead Online. It’s a horse care product, a medicine that’s used to resurrect your horse after it’s been…

Just Cause 4 Where to Find Gold Edition Items – Weaponized Wingsuit
Weaponized wingsuit is one of the gold edition bonus items in Just Cause 4. Everyone who bought the gold or deluxe edition of the game…

Firewatch Launching on Nintendo Switch on December 17th
The Nintendo Switch port of Firewatch finally has a launch date. It’s going to come out on Monday, December 17th; two weeks away as of…

Best Farming Locations – Money, XP & Shiny
Getting money and experience in Pokemon Let’s Go takes a lot of time. Your team will level up slowly as you use them, and money…

How to Rank Up Fast – XP Farming
Earning XP in Red Dead Online is a slow affair. Every cool thing you can own is locked behind a specific rank, which means you’ll…

Fallout 76 Ash Heap Treasure Map Locations & Solutions
Ash Heap Treasure Maps in FO76 are special items you can find in the game. No matter where you find them, the Ash Heap treasure…

Anthem Closed Alpha Testing Dates & Details Announced
EA is offering players access to Closed Alpha testing of Anthem. Registrations are now open, and they’ll be open until December 3rd. The actual Closed…

Path of Exile PlayStation 4 Release Date Delayed to February 2019
The developers of Path of Exile, Grinding Gear Games, have announced the delay of the PS4 version of Path of Exile. The game was supposed…

Fallout 76 “Awarding” 500 Atoms to Power Armor Edition Buyers
Bethesda has found themselves in hot water yet again over Fallout 76; specifically, with the Power Armor Edition of the game. They advertise this edition…