
Daily Collectibles Challenge – How to Complete
Daily: Collectibles is one of the many daily challenges in Anthem. In order to complete it, you’ll have to finish three collectible feats. A lot of people aren’t aware of how exactly it works, which leads to a lot of frustration, thinking there’s a bug and such. In this guide, we’re going to show you…

Legendary & Masterwork Weapons – Effects & Perks
Legendary and masterwork weapons are the best guns you can get in Anthem. They have the best stats, the most power, and the most interesting…

High Road Exploration Challenge Locations – All Districts
High Road is the first area you’ll explore in Anthem. It’s the zone around Fort Tarsis, in the southwestern part of the map. There’s a…

Mederines’ Disciple Collectible Locations Challenge
Mederines’ disciples are one of the many kinds of collectibles in Anthem. There’s ten of them in total, and collecting them all will help you…

The Crimson Lancer Radio Collectible Location
Crimson Lancer radio collectible is one of hundreds of bits of lore in Anthem that you can find. As the name implies, it’s a radio…

World Boss Locations – Ancient Ash Titan
World bosses are special enemies in Anthem. They’re meant to be taken on with a team, as the challenge is supposed to be far too…

How to Pass Research Facility Without Killing Blind Ones
Beating the Research Facility in the Metro Exodus Dead City level without killing a Blind One is connected to one of the game’s trophies. Specifically,…

How to Unlock Gear Sigils Blueprints – Rare, Epic
Gear sigils are consumables in Anthem. If used before an expeditions, they will increase the efficiency of your gear for the duration of the mission….

How Long to Beat Main Campaign & Side Missions
How long it takes to beat Anthem is a question that some people have been asking themselves. This is a tricky thing to answer, since…

Arcanist Faction Loyalty Rewards – Paints & Blueprints
Arcanist faction rewards are a set of items you can get in Anthem. They’re given out to players who manage to increase their faction loyalty…

How to Get Decommunization Trophy – Taiga Statue
Decommunization in Metro Exodus is one of the trophies / achievements that you can unlock in the game. To get the Metro Exodus Decommunization achievement…

Sentinel Loyalty Faction Rewards – Blueprints & Paint Jobs
Sentinel loyalty faction rewards are items you’ll receive in Anthem. You can get them by leveling up your faction reputation with the sentinels. They include…

Anthem High Road District & Landmark Locations – How to Get Trophy
High Road is an achievement / trophy you can earn in Anthem. To earn it, you have to explore the High Road area in Anthem…

How to Unlock Legendary Contracts
Legendary contracts are high-level missions that you can unlock in Anthem. They are activities that the different factions in Anthem give you, like the Freelancers…

Freelancer Loyalty Faction Rewards – Blueprints & Wear States
Freelancer loyalty faction rewards in Anthem include cosmetic items and blueprints. You’ll get a new batch every time you level up your faction reputation, and…

How to Unlock Epic Weapon & Gear Crafting Blueprints
Epic weapons and gear are some of the best items in Anthem. Most of the time, you’ll get them by using the crafting system. However,…

How to Unlock Strongholds – Challenge of Legionnaires Tomb Bug
Unlocking strongholds in Anthem are extra content that you unlock while playing. There are currently two additional strongholds you can unlock later in the game…

Finding Old Friends Quest Bug & Tomb Glitch – How to Solve
Finding Old Friends quest bug has been the root of a lot of problems for Anthem players. Specifically, the bug in Anthem’s Finding Old Friends…

Hidden Depths Mission – Rotating Pillar Puzzle Solution
Hidden Depths is one of the missions in Anthem. In it, you’ll have to help Matthias the arcanist by going into the wild and looking…

Tomb of General Tarsis Pedestal Puzzle Solutions
Tomb of General Tarsis pedestal puzzles in Anthem are small puzzles you have to solve in order to complete the tomb. On the surface, they…