
Division 2 How to Play with Friends & Invite to Group
How to invite friends to a group in Division 2 and playing with them has been causing confusion for some players. Especially on the PlayStation 4. It seems that the in-game invitation system isn’t working properly, leading players to search for alternative solutions. So, we’ve put together our Division 2 How to Play with Friends…

Division 2 How To Unlock Dark Zone
Dark Zones are PvP areas in The Division 2. They’re placed that have succumbed to complete lawlessness – this is where you’ll do most of…

Fallout 76 Getting Brewing & Distilling Crafting Systems
Bethesda has announced a new brewing and distilling crafting system for Fallout 76, coming on March 12th. It’ll unlock during the Wasted on Nukashine quest…

Division 2 How to Switch Ammo Types
Special ammo in The Division 2 includes stuff like incendiary and explosive bullets. They’re relatively rare, but they’re more powerful than regular ammo – some…

Mutant Year Zero Gets Free Demo & Challenge Mode, Removes DRM
Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden, the turn based tactics game starring anthropomorphized animals, got a major update a couple of days ago. The update…

The Division 2 Year 1 Pass Paid & Free Content Revealed
Ubisoft has revealed the roadmap for The Division 2 Year 1. We’re talking both paid content in the Year 1 Pass, and a lot of…

Anthem Loot System Getting Major Changes, According to Bioware
BioWare has heard the cries of Anthem players about the problems they’ve been having with the loot drops. Among the changes are improvements to how…

Plague Inc. Adding Anti-Vaxxers After Successful Online Petition
Fans of the plague simulator Plague Inc. have made a petition asking the developers, Ndemic Creations, to add anti-vaxxers to their game. And, the developers…

Fortnite Secret Battlestar Location Season 8 Week 1 Discovery Challenges
The secret battlestar for Fortnite Season 8 Week 1 is available to collect. That is, if you’ve completed all the other weekly challenges for the…

World Event Locations – Trial of Artinia
World events are a kind of activity in Anthem. You can take them on when you’re in free play, roaming the vast expanse of Bastion….

Fortnite Season 8 Week 1 Weekly Challenge List Revealed
The first week of Season 8 challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale are upon us. Some of them revolve around the new pirate theme, and the…

Fortnite Patch Notes v8.00 Season 8 Week 1 Revealed
Epic Games have released the patch notes for Fortnite v.800, and it’s a pretty hefty beast. The new Fortnite patch notes reveal a ton of…

Fortnite BR Pirate Camp Locations – Visit All Pirate Camps Challenge
Visit all pirate camps is one of the battlepass challenges for the first week of season 8 in Fortnite Battle Royale. In order to complete…

Fortnite Visit Giant Face in Desert, Jungle & Snow Locations Weekly Challenge
Visit a Giant Face in the Desert, Jungle, & Snow is a weekly challenge in Fortnite Battle Royale Season 8 Week 1. This Fortnite weekly…

Fortnite BR Season 8 Skins Revealed in New Trailer
Fortnite BR season 8 skins have been finally revealed. The new season starts today, and Epic have released a trailer which offers an overview. The…

Pokemon Sword & Shield Coming to Switch in Late 2019
Nintendo just announced the new mainline Pokemon game. As is customary, it’ll come in two flavors – Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. The eighth generation…

Ghost Recon Wildlands Special Operation 4 Trailer Reveals New Details
Ghost Recon Wildlands has been going strong for a while now. The game is in its second year, and they’ve just released the fourth big…

Conan Exiles Developer Enters Deal to Make Dune Games
The universe of Frank Herbert’s Dune is returning to the world of video games, and courtesy of a very unlikely source. As it turns out,…

Resident Evil 2 Remake Ships 4 Million Copies Worldwide
The remake of Resident Evil 2 has shipped four million copies since it launched a month ago. Damn solid numbers, especially considering the onslaught of…

Stardew Valley Android Version Launch Date Announced
The Android version of Stardew Valley finally has a launch date, set for mid-March. It’ll offer everything that the iOS version does, plus a few…