
Mask Fragment Locations – Dancing Dragon Mask
Mask fragments are key items in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. There are three of them, and when you’ve collected them all, you can put them together to form the Dancing Dragon Mask. The mask will allow you to exchange skill points for attack power, which makes it a great late game tool. In this guide,…

How to Unlock Dive to Get Carp Scales & Secret Areas
Unlocking the Dive skill in Sekiro allows you to dive as much as you want, and it’s essential to getting carp scales and previously inaccessible…

Sekiro Kotaro NPC Full Guide – Taro Persimmon, White Flower, Spirit Away
Kotaro is an NPC you will come across as soon as you enter the Senpou Temple region in Sekiro. Big lug is to the right…

Sekiro Anayama The Peddler Quest – Phantom Kunai
Anayama the Peddler is one of the NPCs in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. You’ll meet him early in, in the first area. He sells a…

Divine Confetti Locations – Where to Find
Divine Confetti in Sekiro is an item that you can find in different locations in the game, and they’re really useful against apparition-type enemies, such…

Lord Isshin Location in Ashina Castle – Where to Find
Lord Isshin in Sekiro is an NPC that you can find in a specific location in Ashina Castle. However, some players have been having trouble…

Folding Screen Monkeys – How to Kill Monkey Boss
Folding Screen Monkeys are a boss in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. You’ll get to fight them in the Illusory Hall, but it’s anything but a…

What to Do With Kite in The Senpou Temple
The Kite in Sekiro Senpou Temple is a puzzle for you to solve, and people have been wondering about what to do with the Senpou…

Mortal Blade Location – How to Get
Mortal blade is a key item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Also known as Fushigiri, this weapon has the ability to kill the undying. You…

Where to Find Rice for the Old Lady
The Old Lady in Sekiro is an NPC that asks you to bring her Rice, but it can’t just be any old Rice that you…

Memorial Mob Merchant Locations
Memorial mob merchants are a group of vendors in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. They show up at locations where there have been a lot of…

How to Turn Off Demon Bell
Demon Bell in Sekiro is an object that grants you a very specific item and buff, and people have been wondering how to turn the…

Chest Locations – Secret Treasure Chests with Important Loot
Secret treasure chests in Sekiro are hidden treasure chests that contain valuable loot, such as Prayer Beads, Gourd Seeds, and more. We call them secret…

Coin Purse Locations – Heavy & Bulging
Coin purse is an item in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It’s a consumable that drops money when you use it, and it doesn’t vanish when…

Demon Bell – Should I Ring the Bell – What Does it Do
The Demon Bell in Sekiro is an object you can interact with, and many people have been wondering whether they should ring the Demon Bell,…

Flame Vent Location – How to Get Flamethrower Prosthetic Tool
Flame vent is a prosthetic tool in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It’s a flamethrower that does fire damage and applies the burn status to enemies….

Sekiro Prosthetic Tools Locations
Prosthetic tools are secondary weapons in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. When used in tandem with your katana, they allow you to perform special attacks that…

Axe Location – How to Kill Shield Enemies
Loaded axe is a prosthetic tool in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. It’s one of the earliest tools you can get, and you can use it…

Rot Essence Items Mechanic Explained – How Does it Work
Rot Essence items in Sekiro are Key items that you can acquire in the game, and there’s a special mechanic involved with them. Unlike most…

Shinobi Hunter Enshin of Misen Tips – How to Beat
Shinobi Hunter Enshin in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is one of many bosses you’ll face in the game. He’s not the toughest boss, but definitely…