
Steam Summer Sale is Under Way With a Grand Prix Gimmick
Cheap games! This year’s Steam summer sale has started, which means a bunch of proper good stuff can be bought at affordable prices. It’s going to be on for two weeks, so there’s plenty of time to buy even more games you’ll never have the time to play. Read on for some recommendations. Steam Summer…

Cyberpunk 2077 Won’t Feature a Morality System, Says Developer
According to one of the developers at CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077 is not going to have a morality system “per se.” In other words,…

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Focus & Strategic Spells Explained
Focus is one of the resources in Harry Potter Wizards Unite. It’s used for casting spells, but a lot of folks aren’t really sure how…

Harry Potter Wizards Unite How to Complete Trace in Different Countries
Complete a Trace in Different Countries is an achievement you can get in Harry Potter Wizards Unite, which requires you to go and do a…

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Lens & Stickers Usage – How to Apply Cosmetics
Stickers, lenses, and similar items in HP Wizards Unite are cosmetics that you can apply to your Ministry ID portrait. The Wizards Unite cosmetics serve…

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Spectrespecs Lens – What Does It Do
Spectrespecs Lens is a new item in Harry Potter Wizards Unite. It was introduced as part of the Anti Calamity Kit, a limited-time premium bundle…

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Spell Energy Changes Introduced
Niantic, the developers of Harry Potter Wizards Unite, are introducing changes to Spell Energy. Specifically, they’re boosting the amounts you can get for several activities….

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Runestones – How They Work & Where to Find Them
Runestons are a type of item in Harry Potter Wizards Unite. There are many different kinds, but they’re all used for the same thing. When…

Harry Potter Wizards Unite Restricted Section Books – How to Get them?
Restricted Section Books are a resource in Harry Potter Wizards Unite that is used for unlocking high level upgrades in your profession skill tree. They…

Harry Potter WU Brilliant Event Foundables, Tasks & Rewards
Brilliant events are timed events in Harry Potter Wizards Unite. They last for about five days, and during that time, there’s a set of unique…

Harry Potter WU Treasure Trunks – How to Open Treasure Chests
Treasure Trunks or treasure chests in Harry Potter Wizards Unite are your rewards for completing certain tasks in the game. Well, honestly, you’ll earn the…

Harry Potter WU How to Get Water – Where to Find
Water in Harry Potter Wizards Unite is a resource you need to grow seeds into Ingredients in Greenhouses. Since it’s such a valuable resource, naturally,…

Harry Potter WU Wizarding Challenges – How They Work
Wizarding Challenges in Harry Potter Wizards Unite are an activity that you can do solo or with other wizards, and that you can get some…

Harry Potter WU Spell Energy – How to Get Energy
Energy is one of the resources in Harry Potter Wizards Unite. It’s used to cast spells, which makes it one of the most important ones….

Harry Potter WU Master Notes Solutions – How to Make Potions
Master notes are a way to speed up potion production in Harry Potter Wizards Unite. Although you can get potions as drops throughout the game,…

Harry Potter WU Crash When Clicking On Wizard Avatar – Wireless Error
Crashing when clicking on the wizard avatar in Harry Potter Wizards Unite while trying to access your Ministry ID is a problem that some players…

Harry Potter WU How to Register Pokemon Go Code Name
Registering and verifying your reserved Code Name from Pokemon Go is an option that Niantic gave to Harry Potter Wizards Unite players. This is only…

Harry Potter WU XP & Level Up Rewards – How Much EXP You Need
As you battle and explore the world of Harry Potter Wizards Unite, you’ll earn experience points. Amass enough, and you’ll advance a level. This unlocks…

Harry Potter WU How to Download All Assets & Save Data
Downloading all assets in Harry Potter Wizards Unite is a feature added in a new update, which lets you download the majority of the game…

Harry Potter WU Greenhouses – How to Use Them
Greenhouses in Harry Potter Wizards Unite are important places in the game, and learning how to use Greenhouses will be very important, since they are…