
Mortal Kombat 11 Spawn DLC Details Revealed by Character’s Creator
Todd McFarlane, the creator of Spawn, gave an interview ti IGN, in which he talked a bit about how NetherRealm Studios is handling his character in Mortal Kombat 11. Turns out, he’s pretty happy with how they’re treating the property. Listening to him talk, I’m really looking forward to seeing what they come up with….

Spider-Man on PlayStation 4 is the Best-Selling Superhero Game in US
Just as San Diego Comic Con started, the NDP Group have released a list of top-ten best-selling superhero games in the U.S. And, wouldn’t you…

Monster Hunter World Ships 13 Million Copies Worldwide
If Capcom’s numbers are to be believed, Monster Hunter World is doing staggeringly well. So much so, that, according to the newest announcement via Twitter,…

Ghost Recon Wildlands Gets Battle Royale-Like Mode
In a new update, aside from some bug fixes and similar improvements, Ubisoft has added a new mode to Ghost Recon Wildlands. It’s their own…

Dota Underlords Mid-Season Update To Bring Balance Changes
A big update for Dota Underlords is rearing its head – you can see it on the horizon if you squint and tilt your head…

Teamfight Tactics Can’t Press Play – Grey Play Button Bug
Grey play button bug is the biggest problem Teamfight Tactics players are currently facing. It manifests itself by greying out the play button in the…

Cyberpunk 2077 Police & Other Law Enforcement Explained by Developer
Police and law enforcement in general are absolutely a thing in Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City. However, with rampant corruption and private (and corporate) militias, things…

Cyberpunk 2077 Will Feature Several Difficulty Modes for All Player Types
To the surprise of I assume nobody, Cyberpunk 2077 will have several difficulty settings. These will range from easier modes, for those that just want…

AC Odyssey Judgement of Atlantis DLC Out Now
The last piece of DLC for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has been released. It’s called Judgement of Atlantis, and it both introduces a bunch of new…

Dauntless Update Introduces Lady Luck & Her Trials
New stuff coming to Dauntless! Actually, it’s already there, but you might have missed it. The latest update brought a new vendor called Lady Luck….

Rage 2 Update Will Add Skippable Tutorials, Flashlight, New Game +
The developers of Rage 2 have announced a new major update for the game. It’s coming in late July, and it’s going to bring in…

Borderlands 3 New So Happy Together Trailer Released
Gearbox has revealed a new trailer for Borderlands 3. The video, called “So Happy Together,” features the heroes and villains of the game dancing to…

Borderlands 3 Won’t Feature Cross-Play at Launch Confirmed
Unfortunately for all of you that wanted to play Borderlands 3 with friends from platforms other than yours, you won’t be able to do so….

Cyberpunk 2077 Lifepaths, Skills & Options Explained by Developer
As CDPR has been doing their best to make super clear, Cyberpunk 2077 is going to offer plenty of different approaches to the missions. Both…

Super Mario Maker 2 Stays in First Place in UK Charts for Three Weeks
For three weeks in a row now, Super Mario Maker 2 has reigned supreme in the UK sales charts. And, while the numbers have been…

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Banning XP Farming in Creator Mode
Ubisoft is putting a pretty hard kibosh on custom quests, aka Stories, in AC Odyssey, used for farming XP. The reason they cite is that…

Cyberpunk 2077 Will Let You Attack Almost Everyone
CD Projekt Red is apparently going to let you attack and kill almost any rando on the streets of Night City. The only exceptions will…

Ion Fury (née Maiden) Release Date Set for August 15th
Remember Ion Maiden, the retro-FPS where you play as Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison, bomb defusal expert by day, archnemesis to evil transhumanist mastermind Dr. Jadus Heskel…

Shenmue 3 Backers Won’t Get Season Pass & Deluxe Edition Content
According to one of the Kickstarter backers of Shenmue 3, it seems like the game’s retail version, along with the Deluxe Edition, is going to…

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Trailer Shows Off Glavenus
There’s a new video of Iceborne, the upcoming expansion for Monster Hunter World. It’s called the “Glavenus trailer”, and it shows off a bunch of…