
Borderlands 3 On The Blood Path – Side With Holder or Ramsden
On the Blood Path is a level 22 side mission in Borderlands 3. In it, you have to find an escaped gang member called Holder and help his old boss Ramsden punish him for his transgressions. It’s a pretty straightforward thing, right up until the end. When you reach the final scenes of the mission,…

Borderlands 3 Holy Spirits Intoxicated Ratch Liver Locations
Intoxicated ratch livers in Borderlands 3 are an optional quest step in the Holy Spirits mission. All you have to do is harvest five ratch…

Borderlands 3 Killavolt Boss Fight – How to Solo Kill
Killavolt is a boss in Borderlands 3. He can be found in Lectra City, at the end of a long quest chain. His main weapon…

Borderlands 3 How to Farm Bosses
Farming bosses in Borderlands 3 is something you can do if you want to keep earning good loot while reliving some of the cooler fights…

Borderlands 3 Lectra City Underground Puzzle – How to Turn On Screens
There’s a puzzle in the underground part of Lectra City in Borderlands 3. In order to solve it, you’ll need to press buttons, pull levers,…

Borderlands 3 Target of Opportunity Locations Map – Zeroed In
Targets of Opportunity in Borderlands 3 are a type of Crew Challenge mission you can do for Zer0. They are almost like a kind of…

Lectra City Borderlands 3
Lectra City in Borderlands 3 is an area on one of the planets that you can visit, and that’s locked off until you pick up…

Borderlands 3 How to Start a New Character
Starting a new character in Borderlands 3 is something you can do on the same profile, if you want to start the game over with…

Borderlands 3 Holy Broadcast Center Locked Door – How to Open
There’s a locked door in the Holy Broadcast Center in Borderlands 3. A lot of people are wondering what’s behind them and how to open…

Borderlands 3 Kill Killavolt Battle Royale Battery Locations – How to Get
Battery locations in the Borderlands 3 Kill Killavolt mission are a part of the quest you’ll be doing for Moxxie. The three batteries you need…

Borderlands 3 How to Transfer Loot & Items Between Characters
You can transfer loot between characters in Borderlands 3. This means that every item you collect with one character can be passed onto another without…

Borderlands 3 Hijack Target Locations – How to Get Rare Vehicle Parts
Hijack Targets are crew challenges in Borderlands 3. They’re special, souped-up vehicles you can steal and bring to Ellie. If you do, you’ll unlock rare…

Borderlands 3 How to Apply Weapon Skins – Appearance Customization
Weapon skins are cosmetic items in Borderlands 3. They can be used to customize the appearance of your weapons. There are dozens of them, and…

Borderlands 3 Echo Logs Locations Map
Echo Logs are a type of collectible in Borderlands 3. They’re basically audio logs – when you collect them, you’ll get to listen to a…

Borderlands 3 How to Leave & Get Back to Sanctuary
Leaving and returning to Sanctuary in Borderlands 3 is something you’re gonna be doing a lot, since Sanctuary is the ship that serves as your…

Borderlands 3 Eridian Writings Locations Map – Tales From Eridian Slab
Eiridian writings are a type of collectible in Borderlands 3. They’re strange letters etched into plaques hidden away in caves across the galaxy. You won’t…

Borderlands 3 Errors, Crashes, Quest Bugs, Input Lag, Split Screen
Crashes, mission bugs, input lag, performance issues, split screen, and errors in Borderlands 3 are among the variety of problems you might encounter while trying…

Borderlands 3 Locked Chests – Typhon Dead Drop
Locked chests are loot containers in Borderlands 3. A lot of people are finding them, hidden away across almost every map. They can’t be unlocked…

Borderlands 3 Crimson Radio Locations – Broadcast Towers
Crimson Radio is one of the crew challenges in Borderlands 3. These tasks come from Mad Moxxi – she wants you to find and sabotage…

Borderlands 3 From the Ground Up Watch Monitor Bug Solution
Watch Monitor in Borderlands 3 is a step in the From the Ground Up mission, which takes place near the beginning of the game, and…