
Zelda Link’s Awakening How to Dig – Where to Find Shovel
Shovel is one of the tools in Zelda Link’s Awakening. It’s not essential, but it’s extremely useful. It allows you to dig for buried treasure in certain locations. That treasure can be anything – from a handful of rupees to a coveted secret shell. After the game lets you know there’s an option to dig,…

Zelda Link’s Awakening How to Get Past Raccoon in Mysterious Woods – Magic Powder
The Raccoon in Mysterious Woods is a character that you have to move in Link’s Awakening that you have to move in order to explore…

Zelda Link’s Awakening Marin Location – How to Move Sleeping Walrus
Marin is one of the characters in Zelda Link’s Awakening. She’s the girl standing next to the parrot statue in Mabe Village, singing. She’ll teach…

Zelda Link’s Awakening Bottle Grotto Nightmare Key Location – Pols Voice, Shrouded Stalfos
Bottle Grotto Nightmare Key in Zelda Link’s Awakening is an item you need to find and collect in the second dungeon to get to the…

Zelda Link’s Awakening How to Get Bombs & Destroy Walls
Bombs are one of the tools in Zelda Link’s Awakening. You can use them to damage enemies, but also to destroy walls. This usually reveals…

Borderlands 3 Dynasty Dash 9 Minutes Remaining – How to Complete
Dynasty Dash is a repeatable side mission in Borderlands 3. There’s one in Devil’s Razor, on Pandora, and another at Floodmoor Basin, on Eden-6. The…

Borderlands 3 Endgame – What to Do After Completing the Game
Endgame activities in Borderlands 3 includes all of the stuff that you can do after completing the game, including both things that you’ve skipped over…

Borderlands 3 Load Reactor – Angels and Speed Demons
Load Reactor in Borderlands 3 Angels and Speed Demons main mission is a quest step where you have to solve a puzzle in Konrad’s Hold….

Borderlands 3 Negative Guardian Rank Tokens Bug
Negative guardian rank & tokens is a bug that happens from time to time in Borderlands 3. People affected by it have reported having a…

Borderlands 3 Floodmoor Basin Final Location – Where to Find
The last named location in Floodmoor Basin in Borderlands 3 has been causing problems for players, who just can’t figure out where to find the…

Borderlands 3 Slaughterstar 3000
Slaughterstar 3000 is a mission in Borderlands 3. It’s also the name of one of the Circle of Slaughter arenas. It’ll allow you to test…

Borderlands 3 Jakobs Estate Skull Bookshelf Puzzle Solution
Jakobs Estate skull bookshelf secret door is a puzzle in Borderlands 3 that you can find in the Archives of the Jakobs Estate. The skull…

Borderlands 3 Ascension Bluff Gem Door – How to Unlock
Gem door in Ascension Bluff is one of the mysterious locked doors in Borderlands 3. It’s a wooden door with a big orange gem in…

Borderlands 3 Troy Calypso Boss Fight – Falling Through Map Bug
Troy Calypso is a boss in Borderlands 3. He’s one of the main antagonists of the game, and you’ll get to fight him at the…

Borderlands 3 Katagawa Ball Boss Fight – How to Beat Solo
Katagawa Ball in Borderlands 3 is a boss that you’ll fight in Skywell-27 near the end of the Space-Laser Tag mission chain. The Katagawa Ball…

Borderlands 3 Lair of The Harpy – Stage Set Trap Door Puzzle Solution
Lair of the Harpy is a mission in Borderlands 3. It takes place in Jakobs Estate, where you have to solve a bunch of challenges…

Borderlands 3 Proving Grounds Locations – How to Enter
Proving Grounds is a new game mode in Borderlands 3. It’s a gauntlet that you have to complete in a limited amount of time. You…

Borderlands 3 How to Get to Circle of Slaughter
Circle of Slaughter is a game mode in Borderlands 3. It’s a way to earn loot, experience and money outside of the game’s story and…

Borderlands 3 Lair of the Harpy Archives Skull Statue Puzzle Solution
The skull statue bookcase hidden door puzzle in the Archives of Jakob’s Estate can first be found during the Lair of the Harpy mission in…

Borderlands 3 Atlas at Last Rhys Choice – Keep or Lose Mustache
The Rhys mustache choice is the final step in the Atlas, At Last mission in Borderlands 3. You get to choose whether Rhys keeps his…