
Destiny 2 First Crota Team’s Fallen Dead Ghost Location in World’s Grave
The Dead Ghost in First Crota Team’s Fallen Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is an item that you have to find in World’s Grave to complete the Dead Ghost Trace quest. As is the case with other Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Dead Ghost Traces, the First Crota Team’s Fallen dead ghost is really well-hidden, in a side room…

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Exotic Weapons – How to Get
There are a handful of new exotic weapons in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep, and there’s something to everyone’s taste. There are hand cannons, bows, rocket launchers,…

Destiny 2 Futile Search Dead Ghost Location Quest
Futile Search Dead Ghost in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is an item that you have to collect in order to complete the Dead Ghost Trace quest….

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Dead Ghost Locations – Lost Ghost Trace
Dead ghosts are collectibles in Destiny 2. Nine of them were added in Shadowkeep, hidden across the Moon. Thing got complicated further with the addition…

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Secret Emblem Orbital Cartographer Location
Orbital Cartographer in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is a secret emblem that you can discover if you know where to look. This Destiny 2 secret emblem…

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep 900 Power Level Farming – Secret Chest Trove Guardian
Power level farming was always a favorite pastime of Destiny 2 players. Nothing has changed in that regard with the release of Shadowkeep, which means…

Destiny 2 Echo of the Great Disaster Dead Ghost Location
Echo of the Great Disaster in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is a quest you have to complete, and one of the steps requires you to find…

Destiny 2 Essence of Fear – How to Fix Quest Not Appearing Bug
Essence of Fear in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is a quest that you have to complete in order to earn the Dreambane Plate chest armor. Completing…

Destiny 2 Necromantic Strand Location – Essence of Brutality – Loud Lullaby
Necromantic Strand is an item in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. Finding it is one of the tasks in the Essence of Brutality quest. It isn’t marked…

Destiny 2 Ethereal Charms Location – Essence of Greed Fine Memorial Quest
Ethereal Charms in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Essence of Greed quest is a weapon part that you have to find in order to earn the A…

Destiny 2 Essence of Despair – Moon Activities
Essence of Despair is a quest item in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep. It can drop while you’re out and about, doing missions and being all guardiany….

Destiny 2 Essence of Pride – Nightmares in Lost Sectors on Io, EDZ, Titan, Nessus
Essence of Pride is a quest item in Destiny 2. You can get it as a random drop while playing Shadowkeep. It’ll task you with…

Destiny 2 Captive Cord Location – Essence of Failure Arc Logic Quest
Captive Cord in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is a weapon party you have to find in the Essence of Failure quest for the Arc Logic rifle….

Destiny 2 Memory of Sai Mota – Moon Lost Sector Locations
Memory of Sai Mota is a mission in Destiny 2. In order to complete it, you’ll have to finish the Lunar Spelunker weekly bounty, then…

Destiny 2 Essence of Anguish Quest – How to Complete 3 Bounties
Essence of Anguish in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is a quest that you have to complete in order to earn the Dreambane Boots, and the main…

Destiny 2 Horned Wreath Chamber of Night – Essence of Vanity Tranquility
Horned Wreath in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is a weapon part for the Tranquility sniper in the Essence of Vanity quest. You have to find the…

Destiny 2 Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher – Symphony of Death
Deathbringer is a new exotic weapon in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. It’s a rocket launcher that uses ammo that can be remotely detonated, spilling void orbs…

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Rice Cakes Locations for Jade Rabbits
Small Rice Cakes in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep are a consumable that you can get for completing various activities. You need the Rice Cake consumable to…

Destiny 2 Phantasmal Fragment Locations
Phantasmal Fragments are a type of item in Destiny 2. They were introduced in the Shadowkeep expansion, and they’re a kind of currency. They’re basically…

Destiny 2 Glowing Symbol Locked Chests – How to Open
Glowing symbol / rune locked chests in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep are a type of chest that you have to solve a puzzle in order to…