
Red Dead Redemption 2 to launch on PC November 5th 2019
Big news for PC gamers just got announced. Rockstar will release Red Dead Redemption 2 on October 5th 2019! One of the biggest Playstation 4 games of this generation will make its debut with enhanced graphics and technical upgrades. PC gamers will also be able to fully enjoy RDR2 Online mode with all the updates…

Destiny 2 Steam Fireteam – How to Join Group on PC
The whole PC player base of Destiny 2 has migrated to Steam a few days ago, and the move cause some issues. A number of…

Ghost Recon Breakpoint Castaway Collectible Locations
Castaway Collectible clues in Ghost Recon Breakpoint are items that you can find in the overworld, which give you further clues, for a total of…

Destiny 2 Eriana’s Vow Catalyst Quest Progress Stuck Bug
Eriana’s Vow is an exotic weapon in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. If you own the season pass, it’s the first exotic you can get. Shortly after…

Destiny 2 Necrotic Cypher Locations – Inquisition of The Damned Lore Triumph
Necrotic Cyphers are lore triumph items in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep. There are 14 of them in total, and they’re strewn across the newly introduced Moon…

Ghost Recon Breakpoint Three Tombs Collectible Stash Locations
Three Tombs Collectible Stashes in Ghost Recon Breakpoint are points of interest that you can find and visit to collect what’s in them. Now, the…

Destiny 2 Cache Codes Locations – Lost Territory EDZ Daily Bounty
Lost Territory is a daily bounty in Destiny 2. You can pick it up from Devrim Kay, the vendor in the EDZ. It requires you…

Vex Mind Components Destiny 2 – What Do They Do
Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Vex Mind Components are a new currency that you can earn and exchange with Ikora for Vex weapon artifacts. The problem is…

Destiny 2 Where is Xur Location & What He’s Selling October 4th 2019
Where is Xur and what exotic weapons & armor is he selling on October 4th in Destiny 2 are gonna be the questions on the…

Destiny 2 Festering Ritualistic Bone Collector’s Marrow Locations
Festering bone, ritualistic bone and bone collector’s marrow are items in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. They only appear as part of the Symphony of Death quest…

Destiny 2 Withered Plumes Location – Essence of Obscurity
Withered Plumes in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is an item that you need to collect to complete the Essence of Obscurity quest to get the Every…

Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Secrets – Purple Ball, Tire Game, Secret Emblem & Chest
Secrets are the favorite aspect of Destiny 2 to a lot of players, so much so that there are entire communities dedicated to unraveling them….

Destiny 2 Dreambane Armor Set – Essence Cleansing Quests
Dreambane armor set is one of the new outfits in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. It’s a legendary set with variants for each class, and you can…

Destiny 2 Bound Manacle Location – Essence of Insanity – Love and Death
Bound Manacle is a quest item in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. You’ll need to find it if you want to cleanse the Essence of Insanity and…

Destiny 2 Misplaced Trust Dead Ghost Location – Hellmouth
Misplaced Trust is one of the nine dead ghosts in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. This collectible is located in Hellmouth, the central area of the Moon…

Destiny 2 Together Forever Dead Ghost Circle of Bones Location
Together Forever Dead Ghost in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Circle of Bones is an item that you have to find in order to complete one of…

Destiny 2 Dark Dreams Dead Ghost Lunar Battlegrounds Location
Dark Dreams Dead Ghost in Lunar Battlegrounds is one of the Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Dead Ghost Trace quests. To complete it, you have to find…

Destiny 2 True Believer Dead Ghost Location – Summoning Pits
True Believer is a dead ghost collectible in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep. It is located in the Summoning Pits, one of the confusing underground areas that…

Destiny 2 Adonna’s Quest Dead Ghost Shrine of Oryx Location
Adonna’s Quest Dead Ghost in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep is an item you can find in the Shrine of Oryx to complete one of the Dead…

Destiny 2 Greatest Sacrifice Dead Ghost Location – Gatehouse
Greatest Sacrifice is one of the dead ghosts in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep. You’ll find this ghost fragment in the Gatehouse, the underground area in the…