
Pokemon Sword & Shield Remember & Forget Moves
Remembering and forgetting moves in Pokemon Sword and Shield is an important mechanic, and teaching your Pokemon new moves has been a staple of the franchise forever. So, most of you will probably figure out the Pokemon Swsh forgetting and remembering movs mechanic pretty quickly. However, some of you might be new to the concept,…

Pokemon Sword & Shield What Starter to Choose – Sobble, Scorbunny, Grookey
Choosing your starting Pokemon in Pokemon Sword & Shield, Sobble, Scorbunny or Grookey, is framed as an incredibly important choice. And, sure, selecting a starter…

Pokemon Sword & Shield Farfetch’d Location & Evolution – Sirfetch’d
Farfetch’d is one of the pokemon available in the lineup of Pokemon Sword & Shield. It’s a pudgy bird with a smug look on its…

Pokemon Sword & Shield Change Primary Pokemon in Party
Changing Primary Pokemon in Party in Pokemon Sword & Shield is arguably one of the key mechanics in the game, as well as swapping Pokemon…

Pokemon Sword & Shield Change Uniform & Buy Clothes
Changing uniforms, outfits, and clothes, as well as buying them, are one of many things that you can do in Pokemon Sword & Shield. The…

Pokemon Sword & Shield Camp – Set Up Tent, Cook, Play
Setting up camp is a new feature in Pokemon Sword & Shield. You can set up camp anywhere in the Wild Area, and it’ll allow…

Pokemon Sword & Shield Change Pokemon Nickname – Rename Pokemon
Changing Pokemon nicknames in Pokemon Sword & Shield is a mechanic that allows you to rename the Pokemon you have. Pokemon Sword & Shield Rename…

Pokemon Sword & Shield Change Hairstyle & Customize Appearance
You can customize your appearance in Pokemon Sword & Shield. The game allows you to change the style and color of your hair, eyebrows and…

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Chests & Secrets Locations – Collector Trophy
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is a game filled with things for you to find and locating chests and secrets in each part of the…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Force Essence Locations
Force essence is a type of collectible in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. They’re a kind of force echo, and you’ll recognize them by the…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Life Essence Locations
Life essence is a collectible in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. It’s a force echo that looks like a glowing ball of mist, and once…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Lightsaber Crystal Locations – All Lightsaber Colors
Lightsaber color crystals are used to change the color of your lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The change is only cosmetic – it…

Change Hairstyle & Appearance in Death Stranding
Changing your hairstyle and appearance in Death Stranding can be a bit complicated. There’s not a lot you can do, customization-wise, and it isn’t very…

Death Stranding: How to Build a Bridge – Order 10 Bridge Construction
Bridge construction is one of the missions in Death Stranding. It’s Order number 10, one of the early ones, and it requires you to build…

Death Stranding Scanner Nullification – Cancel Enemy Ping
Scanner nullification is a technique that can prevent enemies from noticing you in Death Stranding. It becomes available after you get a certain cargo scanner…

Death Stranding Storing Materials at Facilities & Recycling
Storing materials at facilities in Death Stranding allows you to keep them for later use. Since materials are heavy, having a stash in a safe…

Death Stranding All Rewards Unlocks – UCA Facility Levels, Weapons & Gear
UCA Facility Levels in Death Stranding and rewards they unlock are a huge part of the game, since those UCA level rewards include various gear,…

Changing Boots in Death Stranding
Changing boots in Death Stranding is a vital mechanic to grasp, because, as boots in Death Stranding wear out, they can cause Sam some serious…

Death Stranding Music Player Outside Private Room
Music Player outside the Private Room in Death Stranding, in the open world has been a debated point among players. The game allows you to…

Death Stranding Pre-Order Gold Hat, Sunglasses & Speed Skeleton Location
Pre-order gold hat, sunglasses, speed skeleton are Death Stranding digital bonus items that you get for pre-ordering the game, as well as getting a certain…