
Mimikyu Location in Pokemon Sword & Shield – How to Catch
Pokemon Sword & Shield Mimikyu is a Pokemon that you can catch in the game, but that’s really, really difficult. Mimikyu in Pokemon Sword & Shield appears only in one type of weather, in just one location, and on top of that, the spawn rates are painfully low. So, in our Mimikyu Location in Pokemon…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Terrarium Seed Locations – Green Thumb Trophy
Terrarium seeds are collectibles in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. Once found, a seed will be planted in the terrarium on the Mantis, and you’ll…

Check & Increase Pokemon Friendship Level In Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Pokemon friendship level is one of the many mechanics that you’ll have to use in order to evolve certain Pokemon. And,…

How to Get Ralts in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Ralts is one of the new Pokemon that you can capture and evolve in the game. The problem is that you…

How to Get Charmander in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Charmander is the legendary Fire Pokemon that you can catch and evolve into Charmeleon and Charizard. Since Charmander is one of…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Rescue BD-1 From Prison
At one point in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, you’ll end up in prison, separated from BD-1. It happens after you try to leave the…

Nessa Gym Waterfall Puzzle Solution – Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Nessa Gym waterfall color puzzle is the Gym Challenge you have to complete to enter the Hulbury Stadium battle against Nessa….

SW Jedi Fallen Order Unlock Abilities, Powers & Tools
Abilities in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order include various powers, tools and droid upgrades. You can get most of these unlocks from the main story,…

How to Get Fog in Wild Area – Pokemon Sword & Shield
Changing time and weather in Pokemon Sword and Shield is not an easy task, especially when you know that the weather affects what Pokemon you…

Pokemon Sword & Shield How to Increase Shiny Pokemon Chance – Foreign Ditto
Increasing Shiny Pokemon breeding chances in Pokemon Sword & Shield involve breeding with Pokemon from outside your country, and foreign Dittos are a very important…

Pokemon Sword & Shield Snom Location – Frosmoth Evolution
Snom is one of the new Pokemon that you can catch in Pokemon Sword & Shield, and it evolves into Frosmoth. Both Snom and Frosmoth…

Fortune Teller in Pokemon Sword & Shield – Birthday
Pokemon Sword & Shield fortune teller is an NPC that you can meet in the game and asks you to give her your birthday. Naturally,…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Bogano Secret Passage In Wall Run Area
Bogano secret passage in wall run area is a jumping puzzle in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. It can be found in Subterranean Refuge, in…

All Evolution Stones Location in Pokemon Sword & Shield – Water, Thunder
Pokemon Sword & Shield Evolution Stones are items that certain Pokemon need in order to evolve into their stronger forms. Evolution Stones are scattered around…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Get Inside AT-AT Walker on Kashyyyk
Getting inside the AT-AT walker on Kashyyyk in SW Jedi Fallen Order can be problematic. The sequence takes place the first time you arrive on…

Turn Off Exp Share in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Exp Share is a mechanic with which every Pokemon that’s in your Party share the experience points that you gain from…

Pokemon Sword & Shield Hitmonchan, Hitmontop, Hitmonlee Evolution
Hitmonchan, Hitmontop, and Hitmonlee are Pokemon that you can get in Pokemon Sword & Shield. All three evolve from Tyrogue, a Fighting type Pokemon, as…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Venator Puzzle Solution – Visiting Alderaan Places
Venator puzzle is a platforming section in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. You’ll find it near the top of the Venator Wreckage, on Zeffo. It…

Pokemon Sword & Shield Yamper Location – Boltund Evolution
Yamper is a new Pokemon in Pokemon Sword & Shield that you can catch and evolve into Boltund. It is an Electric type Pokemon, and…

SW Jedi Fallen Order Broken Wing Electricity Puzzle Solution
Broken Wing electricity puzzle is one of the challenges in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. You’ll encounter it on Zeffo, in the Broken Wing area….