
GTA Online Gets New Vehicle, Black Friday Real Estate Deals
It’s time for another event in GTA Online. This time, it includes a new car, better cash gain rates for certain types of businesses, and a whole bunch of discounts on various real estate locations and vehicles. Whether you’re looking to spend money or earn it, in between murder sprees, Rockstar has got you covered….

Pokemon Sword & Shield Eevee Evolution – Espeon, Umbreon, Vaporeon
Eevee in Pokemon Sword & Shield is a classic Pokemon that you can catch and evolve in the game. The Pokemon Sword & Shield Eevee…

Fortnite Search Hidden E Found in Dive Loading Screen
Search hidden E found in Dive loading screen is one of the weekly challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale. In order to complete it, you’ll have…

Bottle Caps in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Bottle Caps are rare items that you can earn in the game, and they become very important in the endgame. Specifically,…

Destiny Knot Location in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Destiny Knot is an item that you can get in the game, and it is very useful when it comes to…

How to Get New Toys for Camp in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Toys are camping gear in Pokemon Sword and Shield. You can use them to play with your pokemon while camping, and it’ll increase your friendship…

How to Unlock IV Checker in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Individual values are a set of hidden stats in Pokemon Sword & Shield. They affect the base stats of each pokemon, and they pretty much…

Pokemon Sword & Shield Lucario Evolution – Riolu Location
Lucario in Pokemon Sword & Shield is a Pokemon that you can evolve from Riolu or, in extremely rare cases, capture in the wild. Finding…

Gothita Location in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Gothita is a new Psychic type Pokemon added in the game that you can find and catch. Well, you can catch…

Borderlands 3 Mayhem 4 Legendary Weapons – Best M4 Legendaries
Mayhem 4 legendary weapons are some of the new items in Borderlands 3. This gear is specific because it only drops on M4 difficulty. There…

Red Dead Online All Legendary Bounties Now on Bounty Board
Rockstar have made all ten legendary bounties available in Red Dead Online. You can pick them up at your leisure from bounty boards, and even…

How to Breed Egg Moves in Pokemon Sword and Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Egg Move breeding is a process through which you can get Pokemon with inherited moves that they normally wouldn’t be able…

Sweets Locations – Strawberry, Berry, Love, Star, Clover, Flower, Ribbon
Sweets are consumable items in Pokemon Sword & Shield. They can be used when evolving Milcery into Alcremie, to determine which head ornament the evolved…

Improve Rotom Bike in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Rotom Bike improvement is an upgrade that you can purchase for your bike from the appropriate NPC. While it is expensive,…

Meowth Kanto Regular Form in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Kanto Region Meowth is a form of Meowth that you can find in the game. The Meowth from Kanto is the…

Type: Null Legendary Pokemon Sword & Shield
Type: Null is a legendary pokemon you can catch in Pokemon Sword & Shield. It’s a synthetic pokemon, a hodge-podge of parts that have no…

Eternatus Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Eternatus is a Legendary Pokemon, the first one you’re going to meet in the game. The fight against Eternatus in Pokemon…

Zacian & Zamazenta – Legendary Pokemon Sword & Shield
Zacian & Zamazenta are legendary pokemon in Pokemon Sword & Shield. They’re the wolves from the box covers – one with a shield, the other…

Change Pokemon Nature in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Pokemon Sword & Shield Nature affects the growth rate of certain stats, and the game allows you to change your Pokemon’s Nature in order to…

Change Rotom Bike Outfit in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Changing your Rotom Bike outfit color in Pokemon Sword & Shield is a minor cosmetic change that you can make in the game. Basically, all…