
Brute, Phantom, Feral Burst Counter in Nioh 2 – Burst Breaker Trophy
Burst counters are a new mechanic in Nioh 2. They’re a type of a move that uses up anima energy and has the ability to interrupt any weapon attack, including the ones with the red glow. There are three kinds of burst counter: brute, phantom and feral. Each one has a different use, and each…

Nioh 2 Yokai Shift Forms – How to Change and Use
Yokai Shift Forms in Nioh 2 are a new game mechanic that allows you to transform into a Yokai due to your dual Shiftling nature….

Nioh 2 Locks of Hair Locations – Samurai, Ninja, Onmyo Mage
Locks of hair are consumable items in Nioh 2. Consuming them awards you with skill points you can use to upgrade your abilities. There are…

Nioh 2 Hot Springs Locations – Spa Lover Trophy
Hot springs are secret locations in Nioh 2. These little hidden spas can be pretty hard to find, but interacting with them heals your wounds…

Nioh 2 Righteous Jasper Item – How to Create Benevolent Grave
Righteous Jasper in Nioh 2 is an item that you use to create Benevolent Graves from which other players can summon your character to help….

Kodama Locations in Dark Omens – Nioh 2
Dark Omens is a sub-mission in Nioh 2. It’s the second one you’ll encounter, and it takes place in a secluded mountain temple. There are…

Kodama Locations in Beast Born of Smoke & Flames – Nioh 2
Beast Born of Smoke & Flames is the second proper mission in Nioh 2. There are seven Kodama collectibles on this map. The green spirits…

Nioh 2 Benevolent Graves – How to Interact with Blue Graves – Ochoko Cups
Benevolent Graves in Nioh 2, or blue graves, are places you can interact with using Ochoko Cups to summon help from a player character. The…

Nioh 2 Sudama Locations – How to Trade – Sudama Swapper Trophy
Sudama in Nioh 2 are purple Kodama that you can trade items with to get a variety of random rewards, and they’re tied to two…

Interchange Saferoom Exfil Close The Door puzzle | Escape from Tarkov 12.4
With Escape from Tarkov patch 12.4 Interchange map got much needed new extraction points and Saferoom is one of them. To not make things simple…

Core Score Trophy – How to Get in Nioh 2
Nioh 2 Core Score trophy / achievement is one of the many trophies that you can unlock in the game. To obtain the Core Score…

Kodama Locations in Forest Veiled In Darkness – Nioh 2
The Forest Veiled in Darkness is the first sub-mission in Nioh 2. There are only two Kodama spirits to be found on this map, but…

Kodama Soul Core – How to Get in Nioh 2 – Friend to the Kodama Trophy
Nioh 2 Kodama Soul Core is a special item in the game that, among other things, unlocks the Friend to the Kodama trophy. To obtain…

Nioh 2 Mezuki Boss Fight
Mezuki is one of the bosses in Nioh 2. He’s the first boss you’ll encounter, during the mission at the Village of Cursed Blossoms. A…

Escape from Tarkov 12.4 patch notes (including unofficial patch changes)
Battlestate games announced a few days ago that they will be releasing a new patch for their mega popular tactical FPS Escape from Tarkov. We…

How to Unlock Onmyo Magic & Ninja Proficiency Skill Points in Nioh 2
Nioh 2 Onmyo Magic and Ninja (or Ninjutsu) skills are special skills that you can unlock and use in the game. Ninja and Onmyo Magic…

Nioh 2 Transfer Character from Last Chance Trial & Open Beta to Main Game
If you’ve played the Last Chance trial or the open beta of Nioh 2, you can transfer your character from them into the main game….

How to Pray at a Defiled Shrine in Nioh 2
Nioh 2 Defiled Shrines are Shrines that you should be able to pray at, but you can’t until you cleanse the area. Of course, cleansing…

Where to Get Pre-Order Items in Nioh 2
Nioh 2 preorder bonus items include some very useful items, including the Demon Horde armor and weapons, the Sudama Netsuke Charm, etc. Naturally, every player…

Nioh 2 Best Starting Weapons & Guardian Spirit Combo for Beginners
There are nine starting weapons to choose from in Nioh 2. They all have their own unique pros and cons, from reach and attack speed,…