
Genshin Impact Crown of Sagehood Locations
The Crown of Sagehood is a brand new item that you can get during the current in-game event. Getting the Genshin Impact Crown of Sagehood is pretty important, because it’s a very rare and powerful material for leveling up your talents. Well, one talent, but still, it allows you to super-power one of your characters….

Leah Villa Garrison Armor – Brewing Rebellion AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Leah Villa Garrison armor in Brewing Rebellion is a piece of wealth that you can find, but only after you solve a puzzle…

Lunden Hoard Map AC Valhalla
Lunden hoard map is one of the artifacts in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s poorly-made drawing that’s supposed to lead you to a buried treasure, which…

AC Valhalla Perie Key – Get Perie Wealth Nickel Ingot
The Perie key location and getting the Perie wealth nickel ingot in AC Valhalla are closely connected. You can’t get the Perie ingot wealth in…

Genshin Impact Fischl Event – How to Get Fischl
Fischl in Genshin Impact is a new character that you can unlock in the game during the ongoing event by completing a specific set of…

Oxenefordscire Hoard Map Location AC Valhalla
Oxenefordscire hoard map is one of the Oxfordshire artifacts in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s a riddle that points toward a buried treasure, and you’ll find…

Devil’s Quoits AC Valhalla
Devil’s Quoits in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is one of the many different standing stone Mysteries found across the map; in this case, it’s in Glowecestrescire….

AC Valhalla Cultist Hideout Key – Jorvik Locked Chests
There’s a cultist hideout with a locked chest in Jorvik in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. You need three keys to open it, which isn’t all that…

Derelict Shrine of Camulus AC Valhalla
Derelict Shrine of Camulus is a location in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s a temple that’s long been in disuse, hidden in the forests of Oxenefordscire….

AC Valhalla Blind & Lame Man – Clee Hill Spring Sciropescire Mystery
The Clee Hill Spring Sciropescire Mystery in AC Valhalla requires you to help a lame man and a blind man reach the miraculous water. Supposedly,…

The Billhook AC Valhalla – Investigate Aelfgarstun Farm – Order of the Ancients Clue
The Aelfgarstun Farm clue in AC Valhalla is a part of your hunt for The Billhook from the Order of the Ancients, and it requires…

AC Valhalla Lady Eadwyn Choice
The Lady Eadwyn choice in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla happens at the very end of the Saga Stone quest, after you complete the raid on Cyne…

AC Valhalla Tilting the Balance – King Burgred Hideout Location
Tilting the Balance is one of the story quests in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It’s part of the Ledecesterscire arc, and one of the final ones,…

How to Pop Balloon at the End of Rito Village in Age of Calamity
The balloon at the end of Rito Village in Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity is one of a number of Korok targets that you can…

Age of Calamity Amiibo Rewards & How to Use Amiibo
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, like all Nintendo games, supports Amiibo figurines. You can use them to get specific in-game rewards, ranging from weapons to…

AC Valhalla Tilting the Balance – Aethelswith Choices
Aethelswith choices in AC Valhalla happen during the Tilting the Balance quest. You’re grilling Lady Aethelswith for the location of king Burgred. She, of course,…

The Lathe AC Valhalla Order Member
AC Valhalla The Lathe order member is a part of the Order of the Ancients, and is one of the more difficult cultists to find….

Get Bladed Rhino Beetle in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Bladed Rhino Beetles are an item in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Among other things, you’ll need them to unlock the South Akkala stable, during…

Best Weapon Buffs in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Weapon buffs are enhancements for your weapons in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. They can increase your damage, drop rates for certain items, the effectiveness…

Mighty Thistle & Armoranth Location Age of Calamity
Age of Calamity Mighty Thistle and Armoranth are items that you need to complete a specific quest line in the new Hyrule Warriors. However, getting…