
medium find a way to open secret door code

Medium Find a Way to Open Secret Door Code – Thomas’s House

There’s a secret door in Thomas’s house in The Medium. It’s the burned-down house with the creepy dollhouse. Once you’re done playing around with the mirrors, the stairs to the basement will reveal themselves. Down there, you’ll find a heavy steel door with a keypad. As soon as you run into it, your objective will…


Hitman 3 Greenhouse Key Location

Greenhouse key is an item in Hitman 3. It appears in Dartmoor, and allows you to enter the greenhouse at Thornbridge manor without risking being…

Hitman 3 Scrap Sword

Scrap Sword in Hitman 3 is a weapon that you can find in the game in the Berlin mission, if you look in a particular…

Hitman 3 Nightcrawler Challenge

Nightcrawler challenge in Hitman 3 is one of many challenges that you can complete in Dubai, and it requires you to take a photo of…