AC Valhalla Settlement Level 6 Glitch
AC Valhalla settlement level 6 glitch is a problem some players have been experiencing. It manifests by your village being stuck at level 5, even though you’ve already built everything and your raven doesn’t show you any more investment opportunities. It’s a bug that’s easy to solve if you know where to look, and lots…
AC Valhalla Vili or Trygve
Vili or Trygve in AC Valhalla is a choice you’ll have to make in the Farewells and Legacies quest in Snotinghamscire. You’ll have to choose…
GTA Online Peyote Plants are Back in New Weekly Update
Peyote Plants in GTA Online are plants that you can find scattered around the map, and consuming them takes you on a fun ride. So,…
Illumiscreen 3 – Find the Treasure Genshin Impact
Illumiscreen 3 is a quest in Genshin Impact. It’s part of the lantern festival, and it involves solving an illumiscreen puzzle, then finding the treasures…
Lantern Riddle – Guests in Qingce Genshin Impact
Guests in Qingce lantern riddles in Genshin Impact are a step in the quest where you’ll need to solve and answer the riddles correctly. Now,…
River Raid New Abilities – Shoulder Bash, Battlecry, Berserker Trap AC Valhalla
River raid abilites are new powers that have been added to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla in the latest update. There’s three of them – Should Bash,…
The Legacy of Saint George – AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Legacy of Saint George is a new quest added to the game in the newest update, and it requires you to find two…
Saint George Armor AC Valhalla
Saint George’s armor is a new armor set in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. It was added in update 1.1.2, and it’s part of the river raid…
What Would Holden Like to Order & Casper Like to Eat Genshin Impact
What would Holderlin like to order and Caspar like to eat in Genshin Impact is a question you’ll have to answer during the Yanxiao’s Crazy…
Genshin Impact Smiley Yanxiao Crazy Kitchen Bug Solutions
Smiley Yanxiao Crazy Kitchen quest in Genshin Impact has a few bugs and other problems that are causing headaches for players. The first one is…
Treasure of River Severn Armor Locations – River Raids AC Valhalla
Treasure of River Severn is a new quest in AC Valhalla. It was added in the river raids update, and it tasks you with finding…
AC Valhalla River Raid Key
River raid keys in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla are new items that you can find during said raids and use them to unlock and loot chests….
AC Valhalla River Exe Treasure Locations
River Exe treasure locations in AC Valhalla include two places with armor pieces reportedly belonging to saint George. You can get them during the river…
AC Valhalla Drengiligr – Ragnar Legendary Dagger
Drengiligr in AC Valhalla is a legendary dagger that used to belong to Ragnar Lothbrok. In order to get the legendary Drengiligr dagger in Assassin’s…
Lost Drengr of Ragnar Lothbrok – Reconstruct Ragnar’s Death AC Valhalla
AC Valhalla Lost Drengr of Ragnar Lothbrok quest requires you to reconstruct Ragnar’s death as one of the steps. To do so, you need to…
Valheim Moder – 4th Boss Location
Moder is one of the bosses in Valheim. It’s the fourth boss you’ll fight, a dragon that resides in the mountains. Defeating the giant wyvern…
Valheim Ore & Metal Teleportation & Quick Transfer
Teleportation and quick transfer of ore and metal in Valheim is a problem that a lot of people encountering. The issue is that certain ore…
Valheim Portals – How to Use and Build Portal & Fast Travel
Portals in Valheim are objects that you can build in order to fast travel, or teleport, across the map. Making Portals and allowing yourself to…
Valheim Breed Boar, Wolf, Lox
Breeding boars and wolves in Valheim is almost a minigame of sorts that allows you to get more wolves and boars for leather, meat and…
Valheim Trophy Mount – How to Put Trophy on Wall
Trophy Mount in Valheim is a craftable object that you can use to put a trophy on your wall. The trophies are mainly the heads…