
persona 5 strikers lavenza requests

Persona 5 Strikers Lavenza Requests

Lavenza requests are special side missions in Persona 5 Strikers. They’re quests you get from the Velvet Room attendant, and there’s nine of them in total. Each one requires you to bring her a specific persona with a specific skill, one that isn’t part of its natural progression path. This means you either have to…


Persona 5 Strikers Best Bond Skills

Best bond skills in Persona 5 Strikers somewhat depend on your preferred play style, but some of them can benefit all players. Some of them…

Unlock Wooden Spikes in Valheim

Valheim wooden spikes are a defensive item you can build to protect your base. These sharp stakes will do 20 damage to anything that walks…

outriders demo release date time

Outriders Demo Release Date & Time

Outriders is going to have a demo that shows off the early hours of the game. It’s going to be released more than a month…

Valheim Core Wood

Core wood in Valheim is a valuable crafting material in the game that you can get relatively early in the game. It’s necessary for making…

Barley Flour Valheim

Valheim barley flour is a cooking ingredient that you can get in the game, and it’s a required ingredient for some of the best foods…

Valheim Wolf Cape

Wolf cape is a piece of armor in Valheim. It provides a bit of protection from damage, but more importantly, it’s a good defense afainst…

Valheim Adze Upgrade

The Adze upgrade in Valheim is a necessary component to upgrading your workbench, after you unlock the recipe. Upgrading the workbench allows you to craft…

Valheim Best Food Combo

Food play a big role in Valheim. You need to eat in order to improve your stamina, your health and the rate at which your…