
roblox error code 103

Roblox Error Code 103

Error code 103 is one of the bugs players have been experiencing in Roblox. It mostly happens to Xbox One players, and it stops them from playing the game. There are multiple reasons why it may manifest, but luckily, they’re all easy to fix. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to fix…


Felyne Fur Ruby MH Rise

Monster Hunter Rise Felyne Fur Ruby is a crafting ingredient that you need in order to craft and upgrade certain weapons. The problem is figuring…

Marked Enemies Outriders

Outriders marked enemies are an important part of the game. In fact, marking enemies is one of the major mechanics, and mastering it can be…

jump force update patch notes 2 06

Jump Force Update Patch Notes 2.06

The developers of Jump Force have released a new update for the game, 2.06, as well as the patch notes for it. They really don’t…

swords of legends online western release date coming soon

Swords of Legends Online Western Release Date

Publisher Gameforge has partnered with developers Wangyuan Shengtang and Aurogon to present the Chinese MMORPG Swords of Legends Online to a Western audience in the…

brawlhalla reno new legend

Reno Brawlhalla New Legend

Brawlhalla’s roster is getting another addition. The new legend is called Reno, and they’re a bounty hunter. Except they’re not a regular old bounty hunter…