
Nier Replicant Sandfish
Sandfish in Nier Replicant is one of the many fish that you can catch in the game, and it is the central part of the Fisherman’s Gambit Part 6 quest, which requires you to get three of them. As is the case with all of these quests, you will face two potential problems here. The…

Nier Replicant Letter to a Lover – House location
To complete Letter to a Lover side quest in Nier Automata you’ll, once again, have to search for a house in the Aerie. This is…

Item Unknown Nier Replicant Quest
The Item Unknown quest in Nier Replicant is a side mission that you can complete in Facade. All you need to do is get ten…

The Tangled Message in Nier Replicant
Nier Replicant The Tangled Message is a side quest that you can complete in the game, and it requires you to relay messages to various…

Nier Replicant Watermelon – Yonah’s Gift
Yonah’s Gift is a quest in Nier Replicant that requires you to get a watermelon as a present. This can be a little tricky, because,…

NieR Replicant Aerie Chief Location
The Aerie is a village you’ll visit several times in Nier Replicant, but the first time you go there you have to find the Aerie…

Nier Replicant Titanium Alloy
Nier Replicant Titanium Alloy is one of the rarest materials in the game, and it drops from one type of enemy only with any reliability….

Nier Replicant Shark, Rice, Mushroom – Bon Appetit
Bon Appetit in Nier Replicant is a side quest that requires you to bring rice, mushrooms, and a shark to the tavern keeper in Seafront….

Nier Replicant Natural Rubber – Goat Hide – New Merchant in Town
Nier Replicant Natural Rubber is a material you’ll need for upgrading your weapons and, along with some wool and goat hide, for the quest The…

Nier Replicant Black Bass
Black bass in Nier Replicant is a fish that you can catch, and it is the central part of the Fisherman’s Gambit Part 5 quest,…

Nier Replicant Bream – Fisherman’s Gambit Part 4
Bream in Nier Replicant is a fish that you can catch, and it is the main focus of the Fisherman’s Gambit Part 4 quest, for…

Nier Replicant Blowfish
Blowfish in Nier Replicant is a type of fish that you can catch in the game, and you’ll need to get seven of them to…

Nier Replicant Wheat – Buy or Grow Wheat – A Signature Dish
Wheat in Nier Replicant is used for a couple of quests and you can buy it or grow it. The quest A Signature Dish asks…

Nier Replicant Not Detecting Keyboard or Controller, White Loading Screen Bug
Lot of people are having trouble with Nier Replicant PC version not detecting their keyboard or controller and having a white screen bug. PC version…

Nier Replicant Fragile Delivery – How to Transport Fragile Package
Fragile Delivery in Nier Replicant is a quest which requires you to safely carry a fragile package across the Northern Plains and into The Aerie….

Forest of Myth Deathdream Riddle Answers – Lost Envy Color, Number of Warriors
You’ll be trapped in a Deathdream in Nier Replicant’s region of Forest of Myth and choosing correct riddle answers might be what saves you or…

Barren Temple Puzzles in Nier Replicant
The Nier Replicant Barren Temple is an area that’s basically a series of rooms with puzzles that you have to solve to save the prince…

Desert Sandstorm Too Intense to Go Any Further Nier Replicant
Nier Replicant Desert Sandstorm Too Intense to Go Any Further is a warning that you will get at one point in the game, which doesn’t…

Nier Replicant Chicken Egg Hidden in Shadows Location – Lost Eggs Quest
The Lost Eggs quest in Nier Replicant is one of the trickier missions, and it requires you to find Nier chicken eggs hidden in the…

Eagle Eggs Location – On the Wings of Eagles – Nier Replicant
Nier Replicant On the Wings of Eagles quest requires you to figure out whereto find Eagle Eggs. That’s a little unfortunate, because Eagle Eggs are…