Resident Evil Village Rooftop Items
You need to collect all Resident Evil Village rooftop items to have that area shown as cleared on your map. It annoys the bejesus out of me not to be able to clear an area out. It usually means I forgot some important item behind or, God forbid, a key item. Bwisdes, this is what…
Doll Puzzle Resident Evil Village – House Benevento
Resident Evil Village Doll Puzzle – House Benevento is a prolonged series of puzzles that you have to solve in order to escape this part…
Luthier’s Key Resident Evil Village – Open Violin Door
Luthier’s Key in Resident Evil Village is used to open the violin door house in the south of the village. You’ll come across this house…
Resident Evil Village Luiza Key – Luiza’s Heirloom Treasure Location
Resident Evil Village Luiza Key is picked up when you search Luiza’s Heirloom Treasure. These treasures get unlocked the second time you visit the main…
Resident Evil Village Azure Eye & Silver Ring
Resident Evil Village Azure Eye and Silver Ring are both treasure items that you can find in the game and sell them for often much-needed…
Mask of Pleasure Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village Mask of Pleasure is one of the four such items that you’ll need in order to open the doors of Castle Dimitrescu…
Find the House with the Red Chimney Resident Evil Village
Find the house with the red chimney is the objective you get when you return to the village after exploring Castle Dimitrescu in Resident Evil…
Resident Evil Village Iron Insignia Key Location
Iron Insignia Key is one of the key items in Resident Evil Village you will have to find to be able to open various doors…
Crimson Glass Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village Crimson Glass is a treasure that you can find fairly early in the game, if you have the wherewithal to see it….
Riverbank Treasure House Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil 8 Riverbank Treasure House is a hidden location that you can discover if you have the right items, and it houses one of…
Resident Evil Village Maestro’s Collection Treasure Code
Resident Evil Village Maestro’s Collection treasure is found inside alocked house in the west of the village, behind a code lock. You’ll first have to…
Magnum Location – Moreau’s Hidden Weapon – Resident Evil Village
The Resident Evil 8 magnum, or Moreau’s Hidden Weapon, is a special gun that you can get, and it counts as one of the treasure…
Resident Evil Village Courtyard Key Location
The courtyard key in Resident Evil 8 is one of the many keys that you’ll be collecting across the game. However, in order to get…
Resident Evil Village Goats of Warding Locations – Heretic Trophy
In Resident Evil Village Goats of Warding are a type of collectible. The game says they are an offer to protect the village and its…
Beneviento Treasure Resident Evil 8 Village
Resident Evil 8 Village Beneviento treasure is one of many valuable treasure items that you can find hidden across the map. This one in particular…
Crystal Skull Resident Evil 8 Village
The Resident Evil Village Crystal Skull is an item that you can find every so often in the game, and it goes into the Treasures…
How to Exit Hall of Pleasure Resident Evil 8 Village
Resident Evil Village Hall of Pleasure is a room in Castle Dimitrescu where you find the Mask of Pleasure, after which you’ll get locked in….
Piano Puzzle Resident Evil 8 Village
The Resident Evil 8 Village piano puzzle awaits you in Castle Dimitrescu, and you need to solve it to get the Iron Insignia Key. As…
How to Increase Inventory Space in Resident Evil 8 Village
Expanding your inventor space in Resident Evil 8 Village is something you’re going to want to wrap your head around as soon as possible. As…
Lockpick Locations – Resident Evil 8 Village
Resident Evil 8 Village lockpicks are special items that you can find scattered across the game, in Castle Dimitrescu, the village, etc. You use the…