
genshin impact 1 6 release date & time

Genshin Impact 1.6 Release Date & Time

The launch date and time for the upcoming Genshin Impact 1.6 update are right around the corner. People are wondering when they can start playing the new, summer-based content. After all, the promo materials for Update 1.6 has promised some pretty exciting stuff to come. Who doesn’t want to explore sunny islands and battle pirates…


Fuser - New Tracks For June DLC

Fuser – New Tracks For June DLC

New tracks will be released for Fuser in the DLC pack for June. Fuser is a rhythm game developed by Harmonix – the makers of…

Watch The Chivalry 2 Launch Trailer

Watch The Chivalry 2 Launch Trailer

Chivalry 2, the sequel to Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is releasing soon and you can watch the launch trailer now. Where Can You Watch The Chivalry…

Going Medieval Iron

Going Medieval Iron

Finding iron in Going Medieval can be quite the chore, especially if you are new to the game. Iron is a valuable crafting ingredient, so…

Get More Settlers In Going Medieval

Get More Settlers In Going Medieval

One of the the most important things you need to do in Going Medieval is to get more settlers for your developing settlement. Without enough…

Reduce Necromunda Hired Gun Stuttering

The question of how to reduce Necromunda Hired Gun stuttering has been a matter of sometimes heated arguments among the player base, particularly on PC….

Glyph Demo Coming To Steam

Glyph Demo Coming To Steam

After Switch, the Glyph demo is coming to Steam as well. Since it was released on the Nintendo Switch, unique platforming game Glyph has been…

Redeem Valorant Pride Cards Codes

Valorant Pride Cards Codes unlock special Pride player cards, each of them representing a specific LGBTQIA+ flag. According to recent leaks, there are six different…