
Relay Stone Mt. Yougou Puzzle – Genshin Impact
In Genshin Impact, there is a very difficult relay stone puzzle on Mt. Yougou. This area was recently added as part of the Inazuma update. If you are unsure about how to get there, we have a great How To Get To Inazuma guide for you. Solving this relay stone puzzle is very much worth…

Give Pizza to Ayaka – Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Give Pizza to Ayaka is a quest step that you might come across, and it requires you to make a pizza for Kamisato…

Unlock Perpetual Mechanical Array Genshin Impact
The Perpetual Mechanical Array is a new and formidable boss in Genshin Impact, and people are wondering how to reach it. As it turns out,…

Unlock Shakkei Pavilion Genshin Impact
The Shakkei Pavilion is a new domain that you can unlock in Genshin Impact. Just like the Empty Boat Of A Thousand Gates, unlocking this…

Farmer’s Treasure Genshin Impact Amenoma Kageuchi Blueprint
The Farmer’s Treasure is a Genshin Impact quest that can get you the Amenoma Kageuchi Bluperint. This is a powerful katana, so it’s worth doing…

Unlock Formation Estate Genshin Impact Domain
The Genshin Impact Formation Estate is a new domain that you can unlock, but the problem is that you need fire to do so. Why…

Araumi Barrier – Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual – Genshin Impact
The Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual in Genshin impact requires you to destroy three barriers, and one of these is the Araumi Barrier. Like many puzzles…

Kamisato Estate Barrier – Complete Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual – Genshin Impact
The Genshin Impact Complete Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual quest requires you to cleanse three barriers, one of which is the Kamisato Estate barrier. Now, there…

Destroy The Barrier In Chinju Forest – Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual – Genshin Impact
As part of the lengthy Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual quest chain in Genshin Impact, you will need to destroy the barrier in Chinju Forest. This…

Genshin Impact 2.0 Hidden Achievements
Genshin Impact 2.0 hidden achievements are special achievements that you have to find on your own (or consult a guide, like you are now). Every…

Empty Boat Of A Thousand Gates – How To Unlock Underwater Domain In Genshin Impact
The Empty Boat of a Thousand Gates is a new Underwater Domain that you will be able to unlock in Genshin Impact, and we are…

How to Start A Flower Blooms in a Prison Genshin Impact
The question of how to start A Flower Blooms in a Prison Genshin Impact quest has been plaguing some of the Travelers attempting to play…

Find The Little Tanuki Genshin Impact – Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual
The “Hayashi of Tanuki in the Forest” is a part of a new quest in Genshin Impact – Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual, which requires you…

New World Factions – Which Faction to Join
Factions in New World are the major powers vying for control of the world, and are a major part of the game. That being the…

Explore the bottom of the Well Puzzle – Strange Story in Konda Genshin Impact
The Strange Story in Konda is a new Genshin Impact quest that is quite long and can be very tricky to solve, especially its well…

New World Fast Travel – How to Get Azoth
Fast travel in New World is a system that, well, let’s you travel fast from point to point, but it uses up a resource called…

Sacrificial Offering Genshin Impact – Abandoned Shrine, Mysterious Shadow, Memento Lens
The Sacrificial Offering is a new quest in Genshin Impact and it will have you deal with a Mysterious Shadow and through it you will…

New World Ice Gauntlet – Where to Find Water Arcana
The question of where to find Water Arcana is one you’ll need to answer if you want to make the Ice Gauntlet in New World….

Grilled Tiger Fish Genshin Impact
Grilled Tiger Fish is a food item that you can cook in Genshin Impact. This food is quite beneficial for the character, since it restores…

New World Sheep Location Map – Stonereach Hunt
Sheep in New World are animals that you can hunt, sometimes for quests like Stonereach Hunt, and you need to know their locations to do…