
stellar reunion genshin impact 2 1

Stellar Reunion Genshin Impact 2.1

Stellar Reunion in Genshin Impact won’t be working properly for some Travelers in the near future. This is because the developers will be working on it as a part of the upcoming Update 2.1. During this time, Stellar Reunion won’t be available for certain players. It’s a bit confusing, and that’s why we’ve written our…


How To Ping In Back 4 Blood

The Back 4 Blood Open Beta is here and, besides the usual assortment of errors and similar issues, players are also wondering about other things…

How To Get Honey In Wacky Wizards

Wacky Wizards, the offbeat Roblox game in which you brew potions that give you all manner of effects and powers, recently had an update that…

Back 4 Blood Destroy Nest Nods

In Back 4 Blood, one of the most important – and goriest – things you will need to do is to destroy nest nodes. These…

Back 4 Blood Twitch Drops

Back 4 Blood, the spiritual successor to Left 4 Dead, has recently entered Open Beta and, like many other recent games, there is a chance…