
Investigate The Ancient Ruins - Genshin Impact Electro Puzzle

Investigate The Ancient Ruins – Genshin Impact Electro Puzzle

In Genshin Impact 2.1, you will need to investigate some Ancient Ruins and solve the Electro Puzzle guarding them. With every new Genshin Impact update, we can also look forward to new puzzles as well, and 2.1 is no different. Though these puzzles can be very rewarding when you finally manage to solve them, they…


Valorant Error Code 57 Fix

The infamous Code 57 is a particularly irritating error that you can get in Valorant, and players have long been looking for a reliable way…

Madden 22 Solo Battle Rewards Not Working

Madden 22 Solo Battle Rewards Not Working

The Solo Battle rewards not working in Madden 22 is one of a mounting number of issues that have been hitting players relentlessly. This one…