
deathloop cassette puzzle afternoon delight fia pictogram locations

Deathloop Cassette Puzzle – Afternoon Delight Fia Pictogram Locations

The Deathloop Charlie’s Obnoxious Machine cassette puzzle is a conundrum you have to solve in the Afternoon Delight mission by finding four Fia pictogram locations. It’s definitely one of the trickier puzzles to figure out, especially because the four pictograms are scattered all across Fia’s fortress, and are pretty tricky to find. Once you figure…


How to Get Rathalos Mount FFXIV

A number of FF14 players seem to be wondering how to get the Rathalos mount, and why shouldn’t they? Who wouldn’t want to ride around…

Deathloop Steam & PS5 Unlock Times

The Deathloop PS5 and Steam unlock times have been causing some confusion among the player base, particularly the PC crowd. The release date and time…