
how to tame boars in valheim hearth and home update

How to Tame Boars in Valheim Hearth and Home Update

The matter of how to tame boars in the Valheim Hearth and Home update has been confusing both rookie and veteran players. This is because the new update has changed up the food the boars require in order to tame them. I’m not entirely sure why they felt this was necessary; maybe they thought that…


Valheim Crystals Locations

While crystals have been in Valheim since the very beginning, they previously didn’t have any use. But now, with the release of the Hearth and…

Valheim BukeBerries Location

Many new items and mechanics have been added to Valheim with its newest Hearth and Home update, and one of these are the very interesting…

Valheim Spice Rack Placement

The spice rack placement in Valheim has been causing some problems among players in the Hearth and Home update. I don’t blame you, considering that…

How to Get Obliterator – Valheim

The Valheim Hearth and Home update is full of great new additions that will make your Valheim gaming sessions more enjoyable and player friendly. For…

How to Get Lox Saddle Valheim

With the new Hearth and Home update out, there’s a lot of new stuff to sink your teeth into, including how to get a Lox…