
Secret Cow Level - Diablo 2 Resurrected Gem Activated

Secret Cow Level – Diablo 2 Resurrected Gem Activated

The infamous Secret Cow Level is by far one of the best known things about Diablo 2 – and video games in general – and this has remained the case for Diablo 2 Resurrected as well. While most of the remaster has remained unchanged, the Cow Level is not one of them. So, to help…


How to Defend – FIFA 22

Knowing how to defend in FIFA 22 is pretty important, as you might imagine. If you don’t, you’ll see that score tilt to your opponent’s…

FIFA 22 Loyalty Glitch

The FIFA 22 loyalty glitch is an error that you can exploit to raise a player’s loyalty really quickly. Mind you, EA might patch the…