
Oku's Triada Relic - Far Cry 6 Treasure Hunt

Oku’s Triada Relic – Far Cry 6 Treasure Hunt

The Oku’s Triada Relic Treasure Hunt is required to get the best stealth gear in Far Cry 6. While this is but one Treasure Hunt out of three that you will need to complete to get the Triador Stealth Suprimo and the La Varita Resolver – not to mention the Oluso Amigo Stealth pet –…


Far Cry 6 Third Person

As you can see in our Far Cry 6 review, FC6 has made several changes to the tried and true formula of the series, and…

Far Cry 6 A Rising Tide Code

A particular Treasure Hunt in Far Cry 6 will have you look for boats named after five legends to get the right number combination. This…