
Destiny 2 Gjallarhorn Catalyst

How to get Destiny 2 Gjallarhorn Catalyst

Destiny 2 Gjallarhorn Catalyst is one of the new perks that players can get in the latest Bungie 30th Anniversary event. This item is part of the paid content, and can be obtained only in the new dungeon Grasp of Avarice. Unfortunately, it’s not a random drop from mobs, but an item well hidden behind…


Destiny 2 Ancient Skull

With the latest Bungie’s 30th Anniversary event in Destiny 2, some strange items started showing up in different zones. One of these new items is…

FFXIV Eat Pizza Emote

The FFXIV Eat Pizza emote is a new emote that you’ll be able to get soon if you jump through a whole bunch of hoops….

Secret in the Box FFXIV

Secret in the Box is a side quest in FFXIV. Based in Old Shiralayan, it gets you to explore the brand-new town in Endwalker. While…